Academic Support is for Everyone

Feb 12, 2024 | Blog

As you look at where to attend college next fall, one of the important areas for your growth over the next four years is academic support services. We know college is hard, and because of this, we believe that academic support is for everyone!

Starting college is like going on a journey, full of unexpected twists and turns, hills and hiccups. New people, new places, new classes, new teachers are all a reality of jumping into the adventure that is the college experience. It can be very overwhelming, scary, and exciting all at the same time… especially in the realm of academic success and study expectations. However, here at Grace you don’t have to do it alone…that’s where we come in!

What is the Academic Support Center?

The Academic Support Center (ASC) is available to all students, free of cost, to help you better handle the college academic load. College is an amazing time when you are able to get involved in a community of your own. You are handling life, and creating your own rhythms and traditions that impact who you become. But, that also means you have a lot on your plate.

We get that; we are here to help!

Need a hand with a paper? We got you covered.

Can’t understand what on earth your professor is trying to say? We have one-on-one coaching staff that would love to sit down with you!

Daily we provide students with the resources they need to thrive academically. 

Meet Genesis

Get to know Genesis, a senior at Grace, pursuing a degree in Human Services. Genesis has used the Academic Support Center throughout her college journey. We have asked her a few questions to better share and understand her perspective. 

How long have you used the ASC? 

“It has been throughout my whole four years. It has been a great experience. I like to meet with the tutors, and work face to face. It is more helpful.”

How has the ASC played a role in your Grace experience? 

“It has been amazing. It plays an amazing role. A lot of learning skills and experiences. I have been getting all A’s in most of my classes and it has made me grow and be successful.”

What would you like people to know about the ASC? 

“You should not be afraid to ask for help, because it will help make you better academically. This is a great experience and a great tool.” 

What advice would you give to incoming freshmen or someone thinking about coming to Grace? 

“They should come to Grace because it is a small campus, and you can know and have a connection with professors and classmates. You can build lasting relationships.” 

Academic Support is for Everyone

Our goal is to ultimately help you thrive in your academic journey, whatever that looks like fo ryou.. It doesn’t matter where you start, but rather, how far you grow.[Either this is how far you go, or how much you grow] For us, it is truly an honor to partner with you in your quest for learning.

Learn more about Grace Christian University’s Academic Support Center, or request more info about Grace today! 

Written By Em Vanderley

Library & Academic Support Specialist

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