Student Handbook

A Community Honoring God in Life & Learning

Grace Christian University is a community of individuals who, through Christ, have a hope and calling to become more godly than we are presently. The focus of Christian growth is a deeper and more mature love for God. Observance of campus standards is not a formula for righteousness but rather serves to help the community in our lives together.


Members of the Grace community participate in various practices which help us grow in our relationship to Christ. We attend Sunday morning church services to worship as part of a local body of believers. We attend chapel to worship as a campus community, and we serve in Christian ministry to exercise the gifts God has given us and is developing in us. We also participate in various other opportunities for spiritual growth through prayer meetings, small groups, Bible study and worship times.


Members of the Grace community commit to refrain from behaviors which may hinder spiritual growth. Specific behavior expectations are identified in the student handbook whether relating to biblical standards or areas important to Grace culture.

student Handbook


About Grace


Graduating Courageous Ambassadors for Christ Who Make an Eternal Impact Wherever They Go


To be a vibrant Biblical University exalting Jesus Christ, preparing culturally intelligent students for diverse careers in the global marketplace.

Core Values

  • Bible Centered
  • Ministry Focused
  • Grace Theology
  • Transformational Relationships

Statement of Faith

The following is a statement of the doctrinal position to which the Board, Administration, and Faculty of Grace Christian University are committed:

The Bible

The verbal inspiration and plenary authority of the Bible in its original writings. (II Timothy 3:16-17; II Peter 1:21)

The Godhead

The eternal Trinity of the Godhead. (Genesis 1:26; Deuteronomy 6:4; Matthew 28:19; Acts 5:3-4; Romans 11:33-36; 2 Corinthians 13:14 ; Ephesians 4:4-6; Colossians 1:16-17; Hebrews 1:8-10)

The Person of Jesus Christ

The eternal deity and spotless humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ.(Luke 1:35; Romans 1:3-4; I Corinthians 15:1-8; Philippians 2:6-11)

Sin and Depravity of Man

The total depravity of humanity by nature.(Romans 3:11-23; Isaiah 59:2; 64:6)


Salvation by grace, through faith in the crucified and risen Christ. (John 1:11-13; 3:16-17; Romans 3:24-28; 10:9-13; I Corinthians 15:1-4; II Corinthians 5:21; Ephesians 2:8-9)

Eternal Security

The eternal security of the saved. (John 10:28-29; Romans 8:1;8:28-39; Ephesians 1:13-14; 4:30; II Thessalonians 2;13-14; Hebrews 9:11-12)

The Holy Spirit

The personality and deity of the Holy Spirit. (John 16:7-8; Acts 5:3-4; I Corinthians 2:10-12; 6:19; 12:13; Galatians 5:16-26; Ephesians 4:4-6)

The Church

The essential unity of all believers of this present dispensation as members of the one true church, the Body of Christ. (I Corinthians 12:13, 27; Ephesians 1:22-23; 3:1-11; Colossians 1:18, 24-25)

The Believer’s Walk

The privilege and duty of all the saved to walk as children of the light. (Psalm 119:9-11; Romans 6:6-14; II Corinthians 5:11-15; Galatians 5:16-25; Ephesians 4:27-32; Philippians 2:12-13)

The Lord’s Supper

The communion of the Lord’s Supper “until He comes.” (I Corinthians 10:14-22; 11:17-34)


The one divine and spiritual baptism by which believers are made members of the Body of Christ at conversion as the only baptism necessary in God’s spiritual program in this dispensation of the Grace of God. (Romans 6:3-4; I Corinthians 1:17; 12:12-13; Galatians 3:26-27; Ephesians 4:3-6; Colossians 2:9-12)

The Resurrection

The physical resurrection of the body. (Luke 24:39-43; John 5:28-29; I Corinthians 15:12-24; Philippians 3:21; II Thessalonians 1:7-9; Revelation 20:4-6, 11-15)

The Return of Christ

The pre-tribulation rapture of the members of the Body of Christ. (I Corinthians 15:51-53; Philippians 3:20-21; I Thessalonians 4:13-18; Titus 2:13-14). After a seven-year tribulation period, the personal, premillennial return of Christ to reign on earth. (Jeremiah 30:7; Daniel 9:20-27; Zechariah 14:4, 9; Matthew 24:15-41; Revelation 19:11-16; 20:1-4)

The Eternal State of the Dead

The eternal punishment of the unsaved dead. Luke 16:23-28; John 3:36; II Corinthians 5:6-8; Philippians 1:23; II Thessalonians 1:7-9; Hebrews 9:27; Revelation 20:10-15)

The Christian Mission

The worldwide preaching of the gospel of the Grace of God. (Acts 20:24; Romans 12:9-21; 16:25-27; II Corinthians 5:17-21; Ephesians 3:8-9)

Human Sexuality Policy

Grace Christian University is a private religious institution of higher learning which was established by an affiliation of churches known as the Grace Gospel Fellowship. As a foundation and purpose for existence Grace Christian University holds to a biblical worldview. Our understanding of human sexuality is based on this worldview. Creation, fall and redemption are three realities which deeply affect the human experience. Out of His love, God has given humanity His Word, the Bible, as authoritative instruction for human flourishing. This thriving is only realized when we submit to the authority of the Creator. Beginning with God’s Word, both the beauty and struggles of human sexuality is more clearly understood.


Human sexuality is a beautiful gift from God. Humans are created by God, in His image and by His authority as male and female (Genesis 1:26-28). The example of Scripture and its consistent teaching is that God’s design for sexual intimacy is limited to monogamous heterosexual marriage. Through sexual intimacy, male and female become one flesh. Within the intended marriage relationship, this is a reflection of the unity of the triune God (Genesis 2:18-25; Ephesians 5:25-33).


We live in a world which has rebelled against God and his authority. The beauty of God’s created world and order, including human sexuality, has been tainted by sin. The Bible gives special attention to sexual immorality as counter to human flourishing. For some sexual temptations are heterosexual while for others sexual temptations are same sex oriented (1 Corinthians 6:18; 7:2-5; Hebrews 13:4). While many struggle with sexual temptations, it is our call as Christians to resist temptation and follow God’s instruction for right living (Matthew 15:18-20; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10).


Through the death of Jesus on the cross, forgiveness of sins and freedom from the power of sin is available (1 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Peter 3:18; John 8:11). Restoration and healing is offered to people on this earth and will be fully realized in eternity (1 Corinthians 15:48-57).


We will treat all individuals with love and respect as bearers of the image of God. Out of love for the individual and our desire to see individuals flourish, we expect members of the Grace community to maintain behavior that follows the teachings of Scripture. In light of this, we do not support or affirm:

  • marriage of any kind other than marriage between one man and one woman;
  • sexual relations of any kind outside the confines of marriage between one man and one woman;
  • resolution or attempted resolution of tension between one’s biological birth sex and one’s expression of gender by the adoption of a psychological identity discordant with one’s biological birth sex;
  • changes or attempts to change one’s given biological birth sex via medical intervention in favor of the identity of the opposite sex or of an indeterminate identity.

As a Christian institution of higher learning, we will respect those whose moral views diverge from ours, and seek to embody the gentle and patient love of Christ for all. We will, however, make institutional decisions in light of this policy regarding housing, student admission and retention, employment hiring and retention, employment benefits and other matters. Without doing so, we are unable to maintain the integrity of our institutional mission and reason for existence as a serious biblical institution committed to Scriptural authority in all matters of life (Romans 1:18-32; Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; 1 Timothy 1:8-10; Ephesians 4:15).

Campus Security & Safety

Information Required by the Crime and Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990

Campus Security

To assist in campus security, we ask the students to observe the following guidelines:

  • Use common sense when walking off-campus. In the evenings, have at least one other person with you at all times.
  • Security personnel are available to escort students to their cars or campus buildings. Please call security (616) 881-2803.
  • Security cameras are a crime deterrent and can assist police in investigating crime. Students are not to tamper with security cameras in any way.
  • All dormitory room doors and all apartment units should be locked at all times. Outside dormitory doors are also locked for your protection; propping doors open after hours is dangerous and creates a security risk for all residents. Violation of this is an automatic $50.00 fine and possible suspension of dormitory privileges.
  • Any visitor on campus must be with a student host at all times or have proper clearance from the Business Office or Student Affairs. Any crimes or anyone of suspicious nature should be reported to Security personnel or anyone of the Student Affairs Staff.
  • Campus security is under the direction of the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs. Student security personnel are on duty during specific hours of the week. They are responsible for security of the buildings and the parking lot, and follow the guidelines prescribed for Grace security personnel. All major incidents of crime are immediately reported to the police and a record is kept of all crimes and given to the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs. Also, see above concerning the reporting of crimes.
  • Security guidelines are emphasized during orientation in both August and January and at dorm meetings throughout the year. In addition, every student and employee is given a copy of this report at least annually. Orientation, dorm meetings, and distribution of key policies are designed to inform students and employees about the prevention of crimes.

To read crime statistic information for Grace Christian University and our consortium colleges go to

Search for Grace Christian University, Cornerstone University, Davenport University (click Grand Rapids), and Grand Rapids Community College.

A separate report with crime statistics, fire statistics and emergency procedure information for Grace Christian University is provided to all students, faculty and staff by October 1 of each year.

All Emergencies

In emergencies that pose an imminent danger to people or facilities, call 911. Then call the Grace Christian University main phone number at (616) 538-2330 to initiate a coordinated response. In addition, refer to the Emergency Procedures pages located in each building, office and classroom with information of whom to contact.

In non-emergency situations, start by calling the Grace Christian University main phone number at (616) 538-2330. The Grace Emergency Preparedness Team will come together and manage the emergency.

You can contact Campus Safety directly at (616) 881-2803.

* The above contact people are responsible for informing the Dean of Students of all crimes so statistics can be kept and appropriate measures can be taken. Anything stolen over $100 in value also needs to be reported to the Wyoming Police Department either by the student or by the Dean of Students. Any assault crime of a minor nature should be referred to the Dean of Students for further action, which could include WPD involvement. All other crimes also need to be reported to the WPD.

Emergency Contacts for specific emergencies (including mental health, medical, facilities, environmental, and other campus emergencies) can be found here.

Emergency Procedures for specific emergencies are described in the dropdowns below.

Medical Emergency

In case of medical emergencies, an RA or Resident Director should be sought.

First aid kits are available in all campus buildings. In case of medical emergencies, call 911 or seek assistance from an RA or Resident Director.

Medical Emergency Procedure:

  • Call 911 if applicable
  • Send someone to connect with incoming emergency responders
  • Contact Campus Safety at (616) 881-2803
  • Contact a Resident Director and/or Resident Assistant

Medical Emergency Contacts:

  1. Kyle Bohl (616) 403-4123
  2. Brian Sherstad (616) 822-0257
  3. Jim Gamble (616) 308-2044

Fire / Evacuation

Fire / Evacuation Procedure:

  • Activate the nearest fire alarm

  • Evacuate and alert people in the area to do the same

  • Call 911 and alert the fire department

  • Contact Resident Director and/or Resident Assistant

Facility Emergency Contacts:

  1. Todd Coates (616) 466-8484
  2. Kyle Bohl (616) 403-4123

Tornado & Severe Weather


Conditions exist for a tornado but none have been spotted.
Do not travel. Be aware of changing weather conditions.
A Campus wide announcement may be made through text service.


A tornado has been spotted! Sirens will sound in the neighborhood.
Campus wide announcement will be made.

When TORNADO SIRENS SOUND seek shelter immediately:

  • Go to the nearest building.
  • Go to the lowest level or basement of the building.
  • Seek an interior room, away from windows, doors and exterior walls.
  • Close all doors and windows.
  • If you are in your car, stop, get out and lie flat in a low area while covering your head.
  • Listen to your local radio emergency alert stations and TV stations for updated storm information.
  • Keep a flashlight nearby in case of power outage.
  • Wait in place for “all clear” from weather stations and/or the Grace texting service.
  • A tornado warning is sounded as a long sustained blast from the tornado siren. A siren is located at Clyde Park and 26th Street. You should hear this system being tested the first Friday of each month at 12:00 noon.
  • In the past, tornados have occurred in every month of the year. Tornado season is March through June with April being the most active month. Be alert to severe weather.
  • More information is available at

Environmental Emergency Contacts:

  1. Todd Coates (616) 466-8484
  2. Kyle Bohl (616) 403-4123

Active Threat

Active Threat Emergency Procedure:

  • RUN – notify others as you run and when you are safe, call 911 and then Campus Safety at (616) 881-2803
  • HIDE – if an escape is not possible, go to an area that can be locked, block the door, silence your phone, stay low, avoid windows
  • FIGHT – last resort if your life is in danger, find a weapon and defend yourself

Campus-Wide Emergency Contacts:

  1. Kyle Bohl (616) 403-4123
  2. Brian Sherstad (616) 822-0257
  3. Scott Shaw (616) 293-7366

Cyber Threat

Cyber Threat Emergency Procedure:

  • A computer virus, hacked data or data is being ransomed/release

  • Do not ignore the situation or try to fix it yourself

  • Leave the device in the last known state of operation

  • Contact Grace IT services at

Suspicious Smell

Suspicious Smell Emergency Procedure:

  • Alert others and go to gathering area at least 300 feet from the building
  • Contact Facilities Maintenance OR Call 911 and then Campus Safety at (616) 881-2803

  • Contact your Resident Director/Resident Assistant for confirmation of smell

Facility Emergency Contacts:

  1. Todd Coates (616) 466-8484
  2. Kyle Bohl (616) 403-4123

Suspicious Person

Suspicious Person Emergency Procedure:

  • Contact Campus Safety at (616) 881-2803 or a staff/faculty member

  • Do not try to stop or confront the person

  • Do not provide access to any buildings or rooms

Campus-Wide Emergency Contacts:

  1. Kyle Bohl (616) 403-4123 
  2. Brian Sherstad (616) 822-0257 
  3. Scott Shaw (616) 293-7366 

Suspicious Object

Suspicious Object Emergency Procedure:

  • Contact Campus Safety at (616) 881-2803 and notify Kyle Bohl at (616) 403-4123

  • Do not disturb, touch or move the object

  • Move at least 100 yards away and advise others to do the same

Campus-Wide Emergency Contacts:

  1. Kyle Bohl (616) 403-4123
  2. Brian Sherstad (616) 822-0257
  3. Scott Shaw (616) 293-7366

Emotional Crisis & Mental Health

Emotional Crisis & Mental Health Emergency Procedure:

  • Assist the person in crisis by creating a safe space
  • Contact the Campus Counseling Center at (616) 690-3917
  • Contact a Resident Director and/or Resident Assistant if applicable 

Mental Health Emergency Contacts:

  1. Sarah Molenkamp (616) 690-3917
  2. Jim Gamble (616) 308-2044
  3. Gabby Wright (616) 430-6926 or Ethan Partridge (616) 430-4154

Power Outage

Power Outage Emergency Procedure:

  • Remain calm and offer assistance to others
  • Contact Maintenance along with Resident Directors and Resident Assistants
  • Watch Grace email/Grace texting service for updates

Facility Emergency Contacts:

  1. Todd Coates (616) 466-8484
  2. Kyle Bohl (616) 403-4123

General Information


Boxes are provided for each On-Campus student in the foyer to the Student Commons. Mail box numbers and combinations are found on the Student Portal. Each student is encouraged to enter his/her combination into his cell phone for convenience. Students are responsible to check regularly for notices placed in boxes. Mail is usually in boxes by noon Mon—Fri; students should check boxes daily. Outgoing mail can be deposited in the outgoing mail bin in the business office.

All mail should be addressed as follows:

General Mail:

(Student Name)
Grace Christian University
P.O. Box 910
Grand Rapids, MI 49509

FedEx, UPS, Deliveries:

(Student Name)
Grace Christian University
1011 Aldon St. SW
Grand Rapids, MI 49509


Each student is assigned a Grace Christian University e-mail address which Grace Christian University will use to communicate with students. This e-mail account is accessible through any internet connection. Internet access is available throughout campus via secure wi-fi. Computer stations are available for student use in the Bultema Library and Jack T. Dean computer lab. E-mail and internet use policy is found later in this handbook.

Student ID

Student ID cards are provided for incoming students. All student ID cards are electronic proximity cards which grant access to various campus locations. The card is valid as long as you are a student at Grace Christian University. Replacement cards are available through the Registrar’s Office Front Desk, but must be paid for in the business office first for a fee of $20.

    Campus News & Announcements

    Campus news and announcements are posted on the announcement page of the Student Portal and announced in chapel, as well as Digi-Signs around campus and The Scoop, located in various restrooms. Any student desiring to make an announcement on the Digi-sign should email Ethan Partridge two weeks in advance. Announcements are subject to approval, and will be posted in a timely manner (usually within 24 hours).

    Campus Wide Alerts

    Grace uses a campus wide emergency notification system. This system will be activated for class cancellations, severe weather, or campus emergencies. To receive emergency notifications sent to your phone, text ‘GraceCUAlert’ to 41372. You can also sign up at to include your phone and email address. Reply ‘STOP’ at any time to unsubscribe.

    Text for Info

    For timely information, staff and students can text ‘List’ to (616) 816-1558 for available commands including Dining Hall menu, Chapel Schedule and the Scoop campus activities.

    Business Office Hours

    Office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (subject to change), Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.

    Postage Stamps

    Stamps are sold through the Business Office.


    The University is not responsible for theft, fire, or loss of personal belongings. Students should be certain they have “off-the-premises” coverage on household insurance at their permanent residence if they wish protection from such loss.

    Printing & Copying

    Printers and copiers are available for student use in the Bultema Library, Student Commons and JTDAC.

    Transportation & Use of Grace Christian University Vehicles

    Personal use of Grace Christian University vehicles is not allowed.

    Grace Christian University will attempt to assist students with transportation:

    1. When Grace Christian University’s Student Affairs Department has arranged for a student group to conduct a Christian Service Ministry or other student activity, or when off-site learning opportunities are arranged by course instructors.
    2. When Student Government has a university-sponsored activity or event as arranged by the Student Affairs Department.

    All drivers of Grace Christian University vehicles must be at least 21 years of age and must be on the Approved Drivers List (application and acceptance required) maintained by the Business Office.

    Public transportation is easily accessible ( as well as various local taxi services and student carpooling. Nearby stops for the Rapid can be found at Aldon and Clyde Park as well as Locksley and DeHoop. Uber and Lyft are available in Grand Rapids as well.

    Grace vehicles are not available for any use other than as stated above.

    Maintenance & Housekeeping Requests

    Need something fixed in your room? Maintenance requests are submitted on Service Desk at Students and staff can also submit IT requests through this link.

    Phone Numbers



    Poison Control

    (800) 222-1222

    Michigan Suicide Hotline

    (616) 336-3535

    Network 180 (mental health)

    (866) 411-0690

    Wyoming Police

    (616) 530-7300

    Campus Security

    (616) 881-2803

    Resident Directors

    (616) 430-4154 (Ethan Partridge)

    (616) 430-6926 (Gabby Wright)


    wrk #


    Academic Office Front Desk

    (616) 261-8559


    Business Office Front Desk

    (616) 261-1986


    Library Front Desk

    (616) 538-2332



    (616) 261-8593

    Athletic Office FAX

    (616) 261-8525

    Main Campus FAX

    (616) 538-0599

    Inclement Weather Policy

    Information regarding campus-wide class cancellations will be posted on local television and distributed through the on-campus alert system. For a variety of reasons, Grace Christian University rarely cancels classes due to inclement weather. Commuter students who believe conditions are unsafe to drive to campus due to inclement weather are expected to communicate this to professors by the end of the scheduled class session in order to be granted an exception to the attendance policy. Any assignments are still due unless otherwise approved by the professor. On-campus resident students are expected to attend class unless the campus closes.

    Social Media

    Student Affairs shares information about news and upcoming events on various social media outlets. Students can follow Community Life at Grace (@gracecommunitylife) on Instagram. Students can also check The Scoop posted in various restrooms and other locations around campus. Students can also text “Scoop” to (616) 816-1558 to get a list of upcoming events.

    Academic Policies

    The Academic Catalog is published annually and is the governing document for all academic-related policy and procedure. In addition to the Student Handbook, students agree to adhere to the policies and procedures presented in the academic catalog. The academic catalog is published on the Grace website and is available as a pdf document, and all students are encouraged to review it carefully. The catalog can be found online at

    Educational Records

    Following is a list of the types of records Grace Christian University maintains, their locations, and their custodians.




    Admissions Records

    Registrar’s Office


    Accumulative Academic Records (Current and former students)

    Registrar’s Office


    Health Records

    Electronically Stored

    Electronically Stored

    Financial Records

    Business Office

    VP Business & Finance

    Financial Aid Records

    Financial Aid Office

    Dir. of Financial Aid

    Progress Records

    Registrar’s Office


    Disciplinary Records

    Dean of Students’ Office

    Dean of Students

    Record of Grievances

    Provost’s Office


    Occasional Records (Student education records not included in the types above such as minutes of faculty committee meetings, copies of correspondence in offices not listed, etc.)

    Appropriate official will collect such records, direct the student to their location, or otherwise make them available for inspection and review

    Various staff

    Residence Life

    “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. . . If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone” (Rom. 12:10, 18 NIV).

    With this principle in mind, we ask each member of the community to show sensitivity and responsiveness to the needs of others, whether spiritual, emotional, or otherwise. In addition, we request that each person show appreciation and regard for the worth of other individuals, thereby preserving and protecting their dignity. We also ask that all members of Grace care for and respect the possessions of others and of the institution.

    Housing Policy

    Housing for single, dependent students is provided in Campus Housing. Students 25 years of age or older will not be admitted into on-campus housing until they have submitted an on campus housing request (at least 30 days before the semester begins) and have been provided with written permission from the Dean of Students. International students housing needs will be addressed using this same format. Campus Housing includes dorms (Preston and Aletheia), Apartments (Enslow and Klein), Grace Townhomes, and houses. All single students enrolled in six or more credit hours are required to room and board at the university, at home with a parent or guardian, or with a Grace staff member. Students who have completed four semesters of college (post-high school) are eligible for off-campus housing. Students are not permitted to live in off-campus housing that is co-ed by unit, though housing is permitted with a sibling of opposite gender. The University reserves the right to deny requests for off-campus housing. Special exceptions may be granted after appeal to the Community Life Department.

    Students must maintain a course load to keep their on-campus housing privilege. Students who withdraw from all courses or stop attending class may be required to vacate on-campus housing. Students who desire to live at home with their parent(s) or guardian(s) may submit an off campus housing form.

    Rights Reserved by the Institution

    1. The University reserves the right to visit the student’s room to check on room cleanliness.
    2. The University reserves the right to search any student’s room for any reason, with or without the student’s presence. Such search may be necessary to maintain order, and to protect the welfare and safety of every student. Such room search would only be done on the authority of the Dean of Students.
    3. The University reserves the right to suspend or expel a student from his/her residence for violation of campus policy, behavior excessively disrupting dormitory living, or conduct unbecoming a Grace Christian University student.
    4. The University reserves the right to suspend housing for those who are no longer active in classes or working toward earning credits.

    Residence Hall Expectations

    Men’s residence buildings are for men only; women’s residence units are for women only. Visitors of the opposite sex are permitted during open dorm hours.

    Rooms are to be kept in order. Stacked furniture must be done safely, using provided pins. There will be periodic room inspections. Room furnishings or attachments are not to be dismantled or taken from the room. Window screens are not to be removed. If so, there will be a $25.00 fine. We request no nails, screws, tacks or tape, of any kind be put into the walls, doors, or furnishings. A tack strip is provided on the wall for hanging pictures. Pets are not allowed on the campus of Grace Christian University. A $50 fine will be assessed to students who violate this policy. Grace Christian University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to persons with emotional needs in compliance with applicable State and Federal laws. The University has a policy that governs the use of emotional support animals on campus by persons with documented need(s). Please contact the Student Affairs Office to inquire about our policy.

    Students are expected to leave the room in the same condition they found it. Inspection of rooms will be made at the end of the year before leaving Grace, and during occasional room checks throughout the year. Athletics and roughhousing which would damage walls or ceiling is forbidden in rooms and hallways. Cost of damages will be charged to students’ accounts.


    Students are urged to lock their rooms at night and when they are out. If you are locked out of your housing, contact your RA or Campus Security. If you are locked out of your room, contact your RA or campus security. Entrance doors are locked at all times so we also ask that you carry your access card. Sharing keys or card access cards is a violation of key policy and will result in a $50 fine. Lost or unreturned keys will also result in a $50 fine.

    Theft & Loss of Personal Property

    The university cannot be responsible for theft, fire, or loss of personal belongings. Students should be certain they have ‘off-the-premises coverage’ or household insurance at their permanent residence if they wish protection from such loss.

    Safety & Fire Hazards

    Halls are to be kept clean and clear due to fire regulations.

    Students with a CPL who wish to keep firearms or ammunition on campus must speak with the VP of Student Affairs. Fireworks, even those permitted by Michigan State law, are prohibited on the campus of Grace Christian University. Federal regulation states that candles, incense, matches, or any volatile or explosive items are not to be used in the residence halls. Violators will be assessed a $10 fine. Student Affairs reserves the right to correct or remove any student items which may be a fire hazard. Fire drills will be held periodically. The current State of Michigan fee of up to $1,000 may be charged to any person responsible for a false alarm.

    Electrical appliances which may be used in the room are: lamps, TVs, shavers, hair dryers, electric blankets, clocks, air popcorn poppers, small refrigerators, microwaves, air fryers, candle warmers, and other items as approved by the Dean of Students.

    The following are not allowed in Preston and Aletheia Halls: toasters, hot plates or electrical heaters of any kind.

    A $25.00 fine will be assessed upon discovery of any tampering with the heating or electrical systems in the dorm.


    It is the goal of Student Affairs to help students use discernment in their entertainment choices. Although Christian discernment for film viewing should not be dependent upon the Motion Picture Association of America, the MPAA ratings are a beginning point for movie viewing in the dormitory. Students are allowed to view in their dorm rooms movies rated ‘G,’ ‘PG,’ or ‘PG-13.’ Videos released as ‘Director’s Cut’ are not allowed. Violation of the movie policy will result in an automatic $25 fine for first offense. Further offenses will result in further discipline which may including the removal of equipment from the dorm room.

    Video Games

    Video games can provide an opportunity for fun and recreation and can build community. However, students are expected to use discretion regarding the content of video games they play and the amount of time they devote to them. Many games include mature content like excessive gore and violence, or sex and nudity. Grace students are expected to refrain from playing these games, instead choosing games that can be edifying and are suitable for a general audience. Additionally, students should be intentional about the amount of time they devote to gaming, first pursuing times of discipleship and personal devotions, then fulfilling their academic obligations and building community face-to-face.


    Overnight guests are to be registered with a community Life Staff member by the sponsoring student before the guest(s) arrive on campus through the Overnight Visit Policy Form. The sponsoring student is responsible to inform the guest of the rules he/she must adhere to while on campus. Students are not allowed to host anyone over the age of 25, including parents and grandparents. Guests are allowed to stay three days at a time. Any guests wishing to stay longer than three days must make arrangements with the Community Life Office.

    All visitors, or off-campus students, who are not staying overnight are asked to leave the dorms at 10:00 PM. All visitors or off-campus students are to be off-campus by lounge closing times unless given special permission.

    Students using the gym are permitted to welcome one guest at a time.

    Open Dorm Hours

    Open dorm hours are Wednesday through Sunday from 12:00 PM to 11:00 PM. These hours apply to all campus housing, including dorms, apartments, and houses.

    Study Hours

    Study hours will be observed from 7:00 PM to 9:00 AM during exam week. This is a time when the atmosphere should be conducive to study, personal devotions, and meditation. Music may be played, but volume must be consistent with the noise level that is required during quiet hours. Students are reminded to utilize the Library for study.

    Quiet Hours

    Reasonable quietness is expected at all times in the dorms in consideration for students desiring to study or sleep. However, special quietness will be enforced from 11:00 PM to 9:00 AM During these hours, headphones are expected if one wishes to listen to music. If music or TV can be heard in the hallway or in other rooms, it is too loud. Talking should be done quietly. Please be respectful of requests for quiet. Learning to live together will require patience and tolerance. A quiet hours violation will result in a $5 fine.

    Residence Halls Closing Times – Curfew

    All resident students of freshmen and sophomore standing are to be in the dorm by 1:00 AM (2:00 AM on Friday night). Students of junior or senior standing or 21 years of age and older (not on academic or social probation) will be given the freedom of no curfew. Curfew times and procedures will be posted in each dorm.

    The privilege of not having curfew will be revoked if abused. Use good judgment and academic awareness in exercising this freedom.


    Pranks, practical jokes, and other creative types of humor are a normal and acceptable area of combined social activity. However, any act which tends to be degrading, physically harmful, or destructive to school or personal property is not permitted under any condition or pretext. Students will be fined for any property damage caused by pranks, and will be disciplined according to the severity of the prank. Damage to school property may result in a charge to the student responsible.

    Spiritual Life

    When Jesus was asked what the greatest command was, He responded, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.” In thinking about our response to God, we echo these words and encourage the members of this community, above all else, to love God. This is an appropriate response, realizing He created us, first loved us, and paid the highest cost to redeem us. Loving God supremely is characterized by presenting our lives in dedication and worship to him.


    9:45am @ BAKER CHAPEL

    “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matt 11:28 NIV).

    Chapel at Grace Christian University serves as a central event for the campus community. Students, faculty and staff come together to worship the Creator of heaven and earth. We worship through instruction from God’s word, prayer, discussion, singing and testimonies.

    Chapel is corporate worship, not a replacement for personal time with God. A worshipful attitude should characterize the atmosphere of all chapel services. Be respectful of those seated around you who may want the time for quietness, prayer and meditation. Students are to refrain from doing homework, using their phones, and other activities which take away from corporate worship.

    The normal weekly format is as follows: Tuesday Teaching Chapels (instruction from God’s word), Wednesday Formation Chapels and Thursday Response Chapels (Responding to God through worship). Learn more about Chapel, stream Chapel live, or catch up on past Chapel series at

    Attendance & Chapel Exemptions

    Chapel is held from 9:45am – 10:30am every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, with several additional chapel events offered throughout the semester.

    Chapel attendance is expected of any part-time or full-time student with a class immediately before or after chapel on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

    Grace Christian University students have a chapel attendance requirement which corresponds to their course schedule and housing status. Chapel scans are offered at all morning chapels and other similar events as approved by student affairs. The chapel attendance requirement is reduced for those students who have submitted a chapel conflict form and have had their exemptions approved.

    Students may seek exemption from chapel attendance by submitting an online chapel conflict form at the beginning of the semester, pending the approval of Student Affairs staff. Exemptions may be granted to students for class conflicts interfering with chapel (attending class at another college) and commuter conflicts (student does not live in Grace-owned housing and does not have a class either immediately before or after chapel). Exemptions are granted for those students who are unable to shift work schedules to allow participation in chapel. Self-employed work opportunities (including Shipt, DoorDash, Uber, etc) will not be approved for chapel exemption.

    Additional exemptions are not granted for inclement weather situations. Students arriving more than 10 minutes late to chapel will not be counted as present. Students who fail to meet the chapel attendance requirement will be assessed a fine of $10 per chapel short of the requirement, and could forfeit their returning student scholarships for the following year. A chapel attendance report is available to students through the Student Portal. All chapel attendance errors can be corrected with Becky Karsten ( and must be done within one week of chapel date.

    Christian Ministry

    “We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Eph. 2:10) NIV.

    Grace Christian University, like all other colleges accredited by The Association for Biblical Higher Education, requires practical field credit as integral to all degree programs. We believe this practical exposure to serving humankind is as essential as classroom academics. Christian Ministry becomes an extension of your classroom experience translated into active participation in our churches and local community.

    Our goal is to establish an environment in which each member of the student body realizes that God has given us unique and special gifts that only we can use. The Christian Ministry program allows you the opportunity to make a unique contribution to the Body of Christ and to the world in which we live and helps students to be prepared to serve Christ in church and society.

    Students should read carefully the purpose and requirements of the Christian Ministry program in this handbook. All Christian Ministry experiences done for credit will be approved, tracked and documented by Grace Christian University staff.


    The Christian Ministry program of Grace Christian University is an integral part of your total educational experience. While academic courses are central to a college education, we realize that much development happens outside the classroom. Christian Ministry is an extension of your classroom experience through active participation in local churches, the community and our campus.

    All colleges accredited by the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) require practical credit as well as academic credit. Grace Christian University, being accredited by ABHE, includes Christian Ministry as part of its overall educational structure.


    The Grace Christian University Christian Ministry program has four goals. Each of these goals seeks to support the Mission Statement of the University: Graduating godly individuals prepared to serve Christ in church and society.

    Goal #1

    Practical Experience: Grace Christian University’s Christian Ministry program provides practical experience for students in various fields of Christian life.

    Goal #2

    Follow the Example of Christ: Our biblical mandate for service follows the example of Jesus Christ “who being in the very nature of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness” (Phil. 2:6-7). Jesus also taught his followers to serve others. It is clear from the life and words of Jesus that servanthood is essential to the Christian life. The attitude of a Grace Christian University student participating in the Christian Ministry program should be one of humbly following the pattern and instruction of Christ.

    Goal #3

    Habits of Service: Preparing students to serve Christ includes developing a joyful habit of service. The University would be naive to think students will be “prepared to serve Christ in Church and Society” upon graduation if they have not been serving prior to graduation. It is the goal of the Christian Ministry program to help students form a life-pattern of service.

    Goal #4

    Investigate and Exercise Personal Talents: God has given each student unique and special gifts, which can only be utilized by the recipient of that gift. If a student does not use his or her gift, the entire body of Christ is denied the blessing from service. The Christian Ministry program is designed to allow each student the opportunity to make a unique contribution to the Body of Christ and to the world in which we live. A student’s experience in Christian Ministry can confirm or deny the growing awareness of his/her life goals. All of this is done in a nonthreatening environment that encourages exploration of a wide variety of options to determine possible future life direction. During the Junior and Senior years, Christian Ministry projects should relate to the student’s major field of study.


    The Grace Christian University Christian Ministry program would not be able to function without the cooperation of many local churches, non-profit organizations, and community agencies. These groups provide service opportunities for Grace students. In return, Grace students make tangible contributions to the work of participating organizations. Many groups and organizations are willing to provide service opportunities. Look around the community, be creative and take initiative.

    All Christian Ministry projects need the following:

    1. a ministry activity (your act of service at a church or other organization)
    2. a mentor (someone to coach you and evaluate your service)
    3. a completed initial commitment form (when you start)
    4. a mentor evaluation (completed by your mentor when you finish)
    5. a self-evaluation (completed by you when you finish – often a paper submitted to your course instructor)

    All Christian Ministry projects are to be done without financial compensation. No student may at any time solicit funds (except that which is for specific reimbursement of student expenses). If an honorarium is received, then the student should give those funds to the Koinonia Fund. Students who are on paid staff working at least 20 hours per week at a local church may be eligible to receive Christian Ministry credit with approval from their instructor.

    Student Affairs staff may be available to assist students with finding a Christian Ministry opportunity. Students are also encouraged to attend the Ministry Fair, generally held early in the Fall semester to introduce students and ministry representatives.


    Throughout a student’s course of study, Christian Ministry is integrated into specific academic courses. Initial commitment forms and evaluation forms will be required to receive a grade for the Christian Ministry assignment. The following courses include Christian Ministry requirements:

    Year – Semester Course
    FR – Spring THE 162
    SO – Fall/Spring THE 213
    SO – Fall/Spring BIB 205/BIB 215
    JR – Fall/Spring THE 363

    In each of these courses, Christian Ministry participation will constitute a significant portion of the student’s overall grade. Specific requirements for type of ministry may be identified in a given course. Students should refer to their course syllabus and clarify with professor. Students are expected to serve 2 hours per week (including preparation and travel time) for a minimum of 10 weeks per semester.


    Christian Ministry projects are spread across three categories. The purpose of these categories is to vary activity thereby encouraging the student to investigate areas of ministry which the student may not otherwise pursue. A student may then discover an area of strength and enjoyment of which he/she was previously unaware. The three categories for The Christian Ministry program are:

    Local Church

    Opportunities directly related to the efforts of a local church, including Awana, Sunday School, music ministry, youth work or other church ministries.

    Community / Cross-cultural

    Opportunities which are not at a local church and are not on campus, including service opportunities like tutoring, helping at a nursing home, or working at an aid organization or other local non-profit.


    Opportunities directly connected to Grace Christian University including A.C.T. group leader, small groups, participating in other ongoing campus ministries, and other leadership roles on campus.


    Students are encouraged to meet with a mentor who will guide them and encourage them regularly throughout the semester. Grace Christian University students are not permitted to serve as ministry mentors for other students, unless authorized by their instructor. Full or partial credit will be assigned based upon the mentor’s evaluation at the conclusion of the semester. No credit will be assigned until an evaluation is received. Upon request, students may see evaluation forms in his/her file if mentors have granted permission. Students may also be asked to conduct a self-evaluation of their efforts in service projects either mid-semester or at semester’s end.

    1. Select a ministry commitment through a Grace Christian University contact, your church, or another ministry. Various local ministries and organizations may visit the campus in the Fall at a Ministry Fair or other events.
    2. After selecting an area of service, contact the listed mentor of that ministry to discuss the specific area and requirements.
    3. Once you have secured the position, complete an online Ministry Commitment Form. Your ministry mentor will receive an email with information about your Christian Ministry service, and be prompted to commit to overseeing your service.
    4. Grace Christian University staff will contact your mentor to verify accurate contact information.
    5. Be consistent and dependable in fulfilling the commitment you have made.
    6. Grace Christian University staff will verify completion of your ministry with your mentor and report to your instructor.

    Q: I don’t know what to do for a Christian Ministry project, how do I find one?

    A: The Dean of Students, the Campus Pastor, and your instructor are all available to discuss options with you and help you find a ministry each semester. Students are also encouraged to network with other students to find opportunities to fulfill their Christian Ministry. It’s also important to be regularly involved at a local church. This can lead to helpful connections to find a ministry where you can serve.

    Q: Can I do more than one Christian Ministry at a time?

    A: You can do as many ministries as you like, however, each ministry is a graded assignment in a course and will need to be completed within the time frame of the course. Also, most ministries depend on our students for consistency. Be a faithful servant.

    Q: Last summer I went on a mission trip for a few weeks. Can I get Christian Ministry credit for that trip?

    A: A Christian Ministry must be completed during the semester it is assigned.

    Q: I’ve been doing Christian Ministry, I just haven’t filled out the paper work. Can I get credit for that?

    A: The Christian Ministry Commitment form is required to verify your ministry service. You will not receive credit for your ministry if Grace staff cannot verify your service.

    Q: I’m going home for Thanksgiving Break and will miss a week of my Christian Ministry Project. What should I do?

    A: If you are ever going to miss a time you have committed to because of Athletics, illness, Thanksgiving, Christmas or Spring Break, inform your mentor at least two weeks in advance (if possible). Churches and organizations need volunteers who are dependable. Do not commit to a project if you will have frequent conflicts. Most of all, communicate with your mentor.


    Christian Ministry Service must:

    • Be completed by all students enrolled in Christian Ministry courses
    • Not be paid
    • Fulfill the requirement of an average of two hours of service per week across the semester
    • Be overseen by a ministry representative who is not a fellow Grace Christian University student or significant other

    Christian Ministries that do not fit this criteria should be cleared with the instructor before students attempt to use them for course credit. Students are encouraged to consider how their Christian Ministry service fulfills the goals listed on page <OV> prior to making their commitment.


    It is the sincere desire of Grace Christian University staff to challenge, counsel and direct students at Grace Christian University into service that will provide a meaningful experience. The exercise of the mind in the practicum of life application remains the highest goal in the Christian life.

    Church Attendance

    Since regular group worship is essential to Christian growth (Heb. 10:25), weekly church attendance is expected. Attendance at Sunday evening and midweek services is encouraged. Students are free to attend the church of their choice, though local Grace churches are recommended because of their affiliation with the University. Loyalty to a local church in prayer, support, and attendance is helpful to the student and is appreciated by the congregation and the pastor. In some cases, the student’s involvement in Christian Ministry will determine which church he/she attends.

    If transportation to/from church is a problem, your RA will help.

    Other Opportunities

    Students are encouraged to take advantage of other opportunities for spiritual growth. Periodic concerts of prayer and other spiritual growth events will be announced. Informal times of worship, prayer, Bible study and fellowship are strongly encouraged. Various committees of Student Government will plan service events and evangelism opportunities.

    Student Affairs

    Loving God Leads Us To Love Others

    In responding to God, we remember that Scripture teaches that if you love God you will love your fellow human beings. John tells us that if we see a brother in need and are able to help him but do not, the love of God is not in us (1 Jn. 4:20). Therefore, we encourage all members of this community to remember that:

    What we do, even to the most seemingly insignificant person, we do to Christ. Truly loving another person involves unselfishness. Scripture tells us to consider one another as greater than ourselves.

    Our love for others also leads us to have consideration for their convictions and weaknesses. Paul warned the Corinthians that they sinned against Christ if they exercised their freedom in such a way that they wounded the conscience of another, leading him to violate his convictions. Indeed, causing a sister or brother to stumble is considered a great evil throughout Scripture. Specifically, members of the community should never encourage one another to violate his familial or cultural values, unless those values are inconsistent with biblical principles.

    To encourage mutual consideration, preserve the corporate testimony of the university, and to facilitate institutional goals, Grace has accepted the following standards of conduct. Students, by virtue of their signature on the application form, agree to accept the responsibilities of membership in the Grace community, which includes adherence to the university’s standards of conduct. While some may not have personal convictions wholly in accord with these responsibilities and standards, the purpose underlying this statement necessitates the student’s honorable adherence to them while enrolled at Grace Christian University or withdrawal if he/she can no longer, with integrity, conform to them.

    Student Affairs Philosophy

    God’s Word teaches believers to have a consistent Christian lifestyle in order to exemplify Christ.

    Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. (I Tim 4:12 NIV).

    Grace Christian University is a community of individuals who, through Christ, have a hope and calling to become more godly than we are presently. It is this hope and calling that informs our vision of establishing a redemptive learning community in which People of Grace Christian University are engaged with God, self, and others for restoration and growth.

    Though diverse in gifts and vocational interests our aim is to come together as a community of learners united by our faith in God and a common vision.

    Our vision is to see all learning and personal development brought under the Lordship of Christ. Grace is intent upon the task of equipping each student to face an increasingly complex, confused, and chaotic world. Yet, we wish not merely to equip the student to face the world, but to challenge the world with the power of the gospel, offering hope, peace, and healing.

    The Student Affairs and Community Life staff seek to empower students to claim a Gospel-centered environment where they will thrive.

    Attending Grace is a privilege with responsibilities. In order for us to grow and develop, it is necessary for each of us to clearly understand the purposes and objectives of Grace Christian University as stated in our catalog. Donors, parents, members of the constituency, and student expectations have influenced the philosophy reflected in this handbook.

    One of the dangers in the Christian life is to allow your relationship with God to degenerate to the externals – going through the motions (i.e. church attendance, devotions, and even ministry). Without the love of God as motivation, bitterness, guilt, and emptiness become the eventual result of trying to live a Christian life.

    The focus of Christian growth and maturity is a deeper and more mature love for God. Once students take this viewpoint, right behavior follows. As a result, student policy at Grace Christian University encourages and seeks to enhance the development of our relationship to God. Even though observance of guidelines does not guarantee spirituality, our ATTITUDE and REACTION to these guidelines reveal the integrity of our character.

    While we expect these guidelines to be observed, they are not your primary focus. Your relationship with Christ is your primary focus. Observance of university guidelines should be an expression of your love and “reasonable service” to Jesus Christ. Look for the spirit and not the letter of the law (2 Cor 3:6).

    Privilege of Attendance

    Grace Christian University is a private institution. Attendance at Grace Christian University is a privilege. Grace Christian University reserves the right to revoke the attendance privilege of any student if at any time the student is believed to not be fulfilling the purpose and objectives of the institution as set forth by the Board of Directors and/or the Administration of Grace Christian University. The following guidelines of the student handbook clarify expectations and general sequence of response but do not supersede the overall right of the institution to revoke attendance privilege.

    A Brief Summary of Student Expectations

    The following are bullet points for what you must do and what you must not do at Grace Christian University. This list is not intended to replace the student handbook, rather to consolidate and abbreviate Grace’s expectations.

    You Must:

    • Attend classes, chapels, and get involved in a local church
    • Complete Christian Ministry
    • Dress appropriately for the situation
    • Commit to keeping yourself, others, and campus spaces safe
    • Contribute to a Christlike, Gospel-centered community by treating others with love and respect
    • Park in designated areas
    • Follow Grace’s computer/e-mail/internet policy

    You Must Not:

    • Engage in sinful behavior including sexual immorality, sexual harassment, stealing, dishonesty, slanderous or profane language.
    • Use or possess controlling substances (including tobacco, e-cigarettes, alcohol, cannabis, and illegal drugs) or pornography
    • Place yourself or others at risk of serious physical harm or moral failure
    • Go dancing in clubs or bars
    • Display affection publicly beyond hand holding
    • Enter a building after hours even if it is not locked
    • Work at a club, bar or other establishment whose primary business is the consumption or purchase of alcohol or marijuana
    • Work in a club, bar, or movie theater which promotes or profits from social dance or sells any form of pornography.
    • Participate in or use entertainment which violate biblical standards


    Though there are many joys in college life, your growth at Grace, as in the rest of life, will often come with difficulty. Maturing always implies nurture and discipline, and life as a disciple always involves growth, regardless of age. We are always confronted with discipline, whether it is self-discipline, discipline through others, or discipline from God. It is easy to think of discipline negatively, however, our desire is that discipline, while difficult, will be a positive experience for you.

    Our involvement in your growth may include discipline. In disciplining individuals within the community our goal is growth, healing, and restoration. Members of the university community have the right to appeal a disciplinary decision, and the right to due process. Along with this, we also desire to have dialogue and input from members of the community concerning standards or policies, especially when they are either disagreeable or misunderstood. Protesting a rule by breaking it, however, does not change the outcome.

    We, as a community of believers, need to pursue our goal of bringing everything under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. May we continually submit ourselves to Him as living sacrifices willing to be totally acceptable unto God. Paul says in Romans 12:1 “this is our reasonable service.”

    It is our intent at Grace to help you make good decisions—not to make your decisions for you. It is your choice! Our goal is to develop a policy of progressive, corrective discipline. We assume it is your choice to be in the Grace community, and when you violate a Grace guideline, it is also our assumption that the violation is a poor choice.

    1. A student’s first behavior infraction will often result in a warning, depending on the nature of the violation and the discretion of the RA or Student Affairs employee responding to the incident.
    2. A student’s second offense will warrant a fine or other disciplinary action, and/or conversation with a Resident Director or the Dean of Students.
    3. Additional infractions will require meetings with the Dean of Students and other disciplinary actions, including restorative action, Student Evaluation, and/or removal from campus.


    Fines are given for the following reasons:

    • Possible deterrent to violations.
    • To teach that inappropriate behavior has consequences.
    • Provide a way for the community to be compensated for violations of community standards.

    In a perfect world we would all respect on another and the institution to the point that behavior violations would not occur. Monetary fines tend to motivate students to proper behavior. Below is a list of finable offences and the costs:


    • Possession or use of drugs or alcohol – $50
    • Being on the roof of any building – $100
    • Abandoned vehicle in parking lot – $50 + towing fee
    • Presence in buildings after hours – $50
    • Tampering with security equipment – $100
    • Sharing proximity cards/key fobs or keys – $50
    • Taking cafeteria food without paying for it – $25
    • Giving cafeteria food to non-paying customers – $25
    • Parking violation – $25
    • Possession of fireworks – $25
    • Tampering with heating/electrical systems – $50
    • Excessive chapel absences – $10 each
    • Dress Code violation – $5
    • Library Fines – Varies

    Residence Halls:

    • Propping back doors of Klein, Enslow, Preston, and Aletheia – $50
    • Removing window screens (Preston/Aletheia) – $25
    • Noise violation – $5
    • Possession of Dining Hall utensils (plates, trays, cups, etc) – $5 per item
    • Fail room check – $5 – $15
    • Violating no-pets policy – $50
    • Open Dorm violation – $10
    • Successive open dorm violations – Increase by $10
    • Staying overnight in dorm of a member of the opposite sex – $75 for resident and visitor

    Social Probation

    Exclusion from various aspects of student life, including phases of leadership and social activities.


    Action taken to restrict student movement on campus. May be confined to room, dorm, or campus itself.

    Non-Academic Suspension

    On the day of suspension, the student may not be on campus or take part in any university-sponsored activity, except for classroom attendance and chapel.

    Full Suspension

    Total interruption of student activities, on or off campus, with any university-sponsored activity including classes.


    Notification by Dean of Students that the student’s continued university attendance is in jeopardy and under evaluation for future semesters.


    When a student is expelled from the University, all current educational activities are terminated immediately and may not be resumed. The Dean of Students must give prior permission for return to campus. A minimum of one semester absence must occur before readmittance (unless by special arrangement with the Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs).


    Other forms of discipline may be imposed on students such as community service. Other forms of discipline allow the Dean of Students to impose consequences which are beneficial to the growth of the student and fitting to the behavior being addressed.


    After successive behavior violations of a more serious nature, a review committee will convene for the following purposes:

    • Review Student Affairs procedures and actions to present
    • Assure due process that student’s rights are upheld.
    • Initiate action deemed necessary to improve student behavior.


    Dean of Students, Resident Directors, two faculty members (one chosen by student).


    The Dean of Students reserves the right to discern between any disciplinary action that he would initiate himself or refer to the Student Conduct Committee. The President of the University has granted the Executive Vice President final authority on all matters of serious consequence to the University community.


    Should a student wish to appeal the decision of dismissal, he or she may give a written request of appeal to the Executive Vice President of Grace Christian University within 48 hours.

    The Executive Vice President reserves the right to refuse a hearing. If a hearing is granted, the Executive Vice President will meet with the Dean of Students and the appealing student. The Dean of Students will state the issues prompting dismissal, after which the appealing student will be given adequate opportunity to state his/her appeal. The student may request to have two individuals speak as character references on his/her behalf.

    When all parties are satisfied that the issues have been clearly communicated and understood, the Executive Vice President will review the situation and come to a final decision. If the decision of dismissal is reversed, then timely appropriate disciplinary action is required by the Student Conduct Committee. If the decision for dismissal is upheld, no further provision for appeal is available.


    Most matters of conflict or disagreement can be resolved by meeting individually with the offending party. Grace Christian University asks that any member of the community with a complaint against another member or entity first attempt to seek resolution by meeting with the individual with whom they are in conflict. Whether or not an individual meeting has taken place, students have the right to submit a formal complaint. This process is initiated by completing a Formal Grievance Form. The Academic Provost maintains record of these complaints as well as the processing and resolution of complaints according to University policies.

    Students may also file complaints regarding Grace Christian University to either of the college accreditation bodies:

    Higher Learning Commission

    Commission on Accreditation
    Association for Biblical Higher Education
    5850 T.G. Lee Blvd., Ste. 130
    Orlando, FL 32822
    Ph: (407) 207-0808
    Fax: (407) 207-0840

    Biblical Standards

    Practices, which Grace Christian University knows to be morally wrong by biblical teaching, are not acceptable for members of the Grace Christian University community. Violation of any of these standards could be cause for dismissal from Grace. Included are specific acts such as drunkenness, stealing, and the use of slanderous or profane language, gossip, occult practices, and all forms of dishonesty including cheating. Sexual sins such as premarital sex, adultery, homosexual behavior, rejection of one’s biological sex, or any form of sexual harassment or assault are a violation of God’s moral code and are cause for dismissal from Grace Christian University. Furthermore, conviction of any crime is cause for dismissal from Grace Christian University.

    In most cases, these behaviors will warrant review by the Dean of Students, and subsequent discipline. The Executive Vice President of the University reserves the right to make the final decisions regarding all matters dealing with student dismissal.

    Drugs, Alcohol, and Other Behaviors

    In addition to clear biblical standards, certain social practices in our culture can be harmful and lead to immoral behavior. Therefore, students of the Grace community will refrain from the possession or use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco (including e-cigarettes), drugs (including synthetic drugs), pornography, gambling, and social dancing in clubs or bars. Please note the “possession” of alcohol includes the presence of alcohol in your living space, regardless of who has purchased or consumed it. If alcohol is found in a student’s living space, the residents of that space will be held responsible.

    These guidelines are to be met while students are enrolled in traditional undergraduate classes at Grace Christian University, regardless of age. Failure to adhere to these standards will result in a meeting with the Dean of Students and further disciplinary action.

    Students who come to campus with pre-existing struggles with these behaviors are encouraged to approach the Dean of Students, Campus Counselor, or other student affairs staff to address these issues. Staff seek to assist students in restoration and overcoming addiction and habitual sin. Student affairs staff will work with students to create a plan of action.

    Drug Use

    Drug Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989

    Since we participate in federally funded financial aid programs, we are required by new regulations to provide you with this information every year.


    Drugs can:

    • make you feel able to do things you really cannot do
    • make you careless and likely to forget important safety habits
    • throw off your sense of time, space, and distance
    • cause absenteeism and tardiness



    • slows your physical reflexes
    • cuts your mental powers
    • makes you forgetful
    • throws off your space and distance judgment
    • causes damage to your lung, reproductive, and brain functions


    • causes a temporary feeling of almost superhuman power, impairing your judgment and decision-making ability
    • causes emotional problems, mood swings, lack of dependability
    • damages your respiratory and immune systems
    • causes malnutrition, seizures, loss of brain function


    • causes total disinterest in safety, or anything else except drugs
    • costs lead to crime
    • damages interpersonal relationships
    • overdose-caused coma and death

    Hallucinogens (PCP, LSD, Ecstasy, etc.)

    • causes hallucinations
    • vastly distorts what is seen and heard
    • causes sudden, bizarre changes in behavior
    • loss of concentration and memory


    • loss of concentration
    • loss of judgment
    • absenteeism and tardiness

    Amphetamines (Speed, Uppers)

    • can make you rush around wildly and carelessly
    • can cause you to push yourself beyond your physical limits


    • slow your mental processes and reflexes
    • disrupt interpersonal relationships
    • can cause liver and kidney damage

    To assist persons in avoiding substance abuse problems and related health risks, students and employees may seek help from the office of the Dean of Students. You also are encouraged to attend University substance awareness workshops and seminars when offered.



    Employees: Since the use of drugs is inconsistent with the standards and purposes of Grace Christian University, the unlawful possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited. Any employee who violates such prohibition will be terminated with one day’s notice.


    • AGREE to abide by our Drug-Free Campus Policy
    • INFORM us within five days of the time you are convicted of a criminal drug violation on campus or at one of our activities
    • COMPLETE satisfactorily the program of help you accept instead of being expelled from the University.

    Dress Code

    “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity” (I Tim 4:12 NIV).

    The way we live (or dress) is the way the world sees Jesus Christ.

    “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body” (1 Cor. 6:19-20 NIV).

    “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will” (Rom. 12:2 NIV).

    We realize that within our community, thinking differs regarding clothing and style because of varieties in cultural background. Therefore, we wish to clarify and consolidate the various lines of thinking on clothing with respect to the aims and objectives of Grace. We reserve the right to take a conservative approach to our description of dress and appearance. While we may not all have the same convictions as to fashion and personal appearance, our attitude should give us the discipline to follow these guidelines.

    The type of clothing we wear can affect our behavior and attitude. Scripture teaches us principles of modesty, simplicity, and neatness. A growing Christian will begin to look beyond the external image of fashion and examine his/her own heart. Why do you dress the way you do? Do you seek to honor God in the way you dress? (see Col. 3:23-24; 1 Cor. 10:31). Additionally, the University desires to establish policies which will enhance, rather than limit future employment and ministry opportunities.

    This policy is to be observed at all times on the Grace Christian University campus and off campus while representing the University, i.e. University functions, athletic road trips, musical performances, etc. Awareness of appropriate dress is an important part of any individual’s social maturity. This policy emphasizes dress and appearance that is neat, clean and modest.

    Members of the Grace Christian University community are expected to avoid extremes in fashion, especially with regard to clothing (indiscreet length/tightness). Students with questions about dress code specifics are encouraged to speak with an RA or member of the Student Affairs staff.

    Shoes must be worn at all times in all buildings except housing units.

    Clothing with messages counter to the goals and values established in God’s Word should be avoided. Student Affairs and Community Life Staff members reserve the right to ask that such clothing not be worn on campus.

    Workout Attire: Students should maintain modesty when working out in campus facilities, including the gym, weight room, and outdoor workouts. Students should wear a shirt and shorts when exercising on campus.

    Classrooms/Library/Chapel: students are encouraged to begin building their work place wardrobe while in college. As students matriculate they should increasingly practice professional dress when attending classes. At a minimum, students are to be neat and clean, without torn or ripped clothing. Students should expect to dress professionally when presenting before a class or other similar occasions. Faculty reserve the right to maintain additional expectations in their classroom.

    Special Events: banquets, convocation, graduation and other special events are occasions at which students should dress in semi-formal or business-casual attire.


    Clothing policy will be enforced by Student Affairs Staff. Students are expected to adhere to the clothing policy and to respect the authority of their peers and staff enforcing the policy. Students in violation of the clothing policy will be assessed a $5 fine. Habitual failure to adhere to the Grace Christian University clothing policy will result in escalating consequences.

    Physical Privacy Policy


    In light of Grace Christian University’s statement of faith and Student Handbook, and in recognition of personal physical privacy rights and the need to ensure individual safety and maintain school discipline, this policy is enacted to advise members of the Grace community of their duties with regard to use of restrooms, locker rooms, showers, and any other school facilities where individuals may be undressed in the presence of others.


    • “Sex” means the biological condition of being male or female as determined at birth.
    • “Member of the Grace Christian University community” means any Grace employee, volunteer, student, parent, or visitor.

    Sincerely-held Religious Belief on Sexuality

    Grace Christian University’s sincerely-held religious belief is that God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as either male or female, and that these two distinct, complementary sexes together reflect the image and nature of God (Gen. 1:26-27). Rejection of one’s sex is a rejection of the image of God within that person.


    Notwithstanding any other policy, Grace Christian University restrooms, locker rooms, and showers designated for one sex shall only be used by members of that sex.

    In any other Grace Christian University facilities or settings where members of the Grace community may be undressed in the presence of others (e.g. changing costumes during school theatrical productions), Grace shall provide separate, private areas designated for use by members of the Grace community based on their sex.

    Grace Christian University recognizes there may be instances where members of the Grace community experience disparity between their sex and their feelings about their sex. This disparity can motivate them to behave in ways contrary to God’s Word and His plan for their lives. Grace Christian University encourages members of the Grace community who are struggling with their sexual identity to seek help from their pastor and other trained professionals who might best assist them in clarifying and defining their sexual identity in accordance with God’s Word.

    Grace Christian University will at all times interact with members of the Grace community according to their sex. A member of the school community who wishes to express a gender other than his or her sex is understood to be rejecting the truth and the image of God within that person. Biblical Christianity requires the body of Christ to compassionately dwell in the truth and assist those we love in doing the same (Eph. 4:15).

    A member of the Grace Christian University community who openly and unrepentantly rejects their sex, either in or out of school, is rejecting the image of God within that person – behavior that dishonors the Holy Trinity and the Word of God. Such behavior constitutes a person’s failure to adhere to their commitment to abide by the behavioral standards established by Grace Christian University which is cause for terminating their privilege of membership in the Grace community.

    To preserve the function and integrity of Grace Christian University and to provide a biblical role model to members of the Grace community and the community-at-large, it is imperative that all members of the Grace community agree to and abide by this policy.


    God is the author of all good gifts. The arts are recognized as a blessing to be appreciated by humankind and utilized for their capacity to effectively communicate content, as well as produce a wide range of emotional, spiritual, intellectual, physical, and social responses.

    1. God has given us all things to enjoy (1 Tim. 6:17).
    2. Christians are required to exercise moderation in all areas of our lives.
    3. Our ultimate value should be to glorify God (1 Cor. 10:31), and to seek personal holiness (1 Peter 1:15-16).
    4. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. (Phil. 4:8).

    Students are to take special discernment in their choice of entertainment whether it is TV programs, internet, video games, movies, music, posters, or printed material. Entertainment in any form, in whole or in part, which is degrading, deviates from biblical standards, maligns the person of God, His Word or work, or desensitizes us to a godly life is self-defeating and should not be indulged by any Christian. Anyone who chooses to engage in such activities does so against the standards and spiritual goals of Grace. Grace maintains that any entertainment whose content is morally degrading is inconsistent with Christian standards.

    Of great concern is the accessibility of inappropriate entertainment via the internet. Pornography is an addictive escalating sin which inhibits a person’s ability to serve Christ effectively. Use or possession of pornographic material is prohibited. Grace seeks to help those who may be trapped in this destructive behavior through education, counseling, discipline and monitoring internet use.

    Many forms of entertainment easily become distractions for college students. It is the responsibility of each student to ensure his/her entertainment does not impede time needed to meet the academic demands of college.

    Grace does not maintain a blacklist of unacceptable entertainment. Rather, using music as an example, we wish to give an example of how a student might discern what is appropriate for a member of the Grace community and how the Student Affairs department might interact with a student’s choices for music entertainment.

    Discerning Entertainment: Music as an example

    In our community, tastes in music vary from person to person, God tells us our brothers’ needs should take precedence over our own (Rom. 12:10) and should be subject to the “law of love” (Gal 5:13). Therefore, standards are necessary:

    Music in and of itself is neither sacred nor secular. These standards are applicable to all music.

    1. Lyrics should not violate clear biblical doctrines and standards (i.e., character of God, deity of Christ, standards of morality, rebelliousness, respect for others, purity of life, etc.;) (Gal 5:19-21).
    2. Media should not contradict our personal and institutional commitment to “glorify God.” This standard suggests the following practical guidelines:
      • Always Acceptable — music that is clearly acceptable to most students, and is an unquestionable example of both the letter and intent of our philosophy and standards (e.g., praise and worship, contemporary Christian music, wholesome humor).
      • Personal Discernment — music that includes lyrics that meet biblical standards, yet has rhythms and forms which may not be acceptable to everyone (e.g., Country, Folk, Jazz, heavy contemporary Christian music, Classical). Music in this category may be listened to as long as it meets the standards listed above and are not disturbing to roommates or other residents.
      • Always Unacceptable — music that clearly violates the philosophy and standards of our policy (e.g., immoral, rebellious, violent, sexually suggestive, occult or satanic oriented music).
    3. Occasionally albums may have a combination of songs from more than one category listed above. In this case, the student should make a judgment about the overall response to the recording in light of the biblical and institutional standards. 
    4. Attendance at concerts should be determined by applying standards discretion.

    Since the institution is not aware of every recording artist or group, the institution reserves the right to question a student’s music. Upon verbal or written request from a member of the Student Affairs Staff, the student may need to explain how the choice of music meets the overall music philosophy and standards of the institution. If assistance in evaluating music is needed, please see a Student Affairs Staff member. The purpose here is not restriction, but restructure and learning how to evaluate what is the best that God would have for you.


    The above procedure for evaluating the acceptability of music could be adapted for other forms of entertainment. We are reminded again that community standards may be different than personal standards. Tolerance and sensitivity to the tastes of others is important for the unity of the community.

    For more on entertainment and media consumption, please see the respective headings under Residence Life.

    Personal Confrontation

    As a Christian community, Grace encourages its student body to practice biblical model of confrontation. While confrontation may be difficult at times, it occurs with the aim of restoring relationships between people. Confrontation also encourages people to be reconciled to God. In Matthew 18:15-20 the Lord teaches a process of confrontation.

    • If you have suffered an offence, you should first speak to the offending person individually.
    • If you are unable to be reconciled, you should speak to the offending person in the presence of one or two others.
    • If still reconciliation does not take place, bring the matter before the authorities.

    Whenever confrontation takes place, it should be done with a spirit of humility and the goal of honoring God.

    Bullying and Harrassment

    Grace Christian University students are expected to conduct themselves in a way that demonstrates an understanding that all people are made in the image of God and worthy of dignity and respect. Additionally, students are expected to contribute to establishing and maintaining a Gospel-centered community, one that is conducive to spiritual and academic growth for all students. Our campus should be marked by God-honoring relationships full of compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, patience, and grace (Colossians 3:12). Students will work to live peaceably in the campus community (Romans 12:18) and will treat others with the respect they expect from others (Matthew 7:12).

    No student should be subject to harassment or conduct that detracts from their ability to grow spiritually and academically. Occasionally, students will engage in conduct that falls short of these standards, warranting reproof from each other. These interactions should follow biblical guidelines established in Matthew 18:15-17. However, repeatedly engaging in conduct that falls short of these standards could be viewed as harassment or bullying.

    Grace Christian University defines bullying as “a pattern of hostile behavior intended to abuse, alienate, or intimidate another individual or group of individuals.” Examples of bullying include physical harassment, hazing, verbal abuse, threatening, cyberbullying, purposeful exclusion or humiliation, or other behaviors.

    Students who feel they are being bullied should inform a member of the Community Life team, which includes RAs, RDs, or the Dean of Students. The Community Life team member will arrange a meeting between the Dean of Students and the involved parties.

    The Dean of Students will ensure that perspectives from all involved parties will be taken into account before determining disciplinary action. Students found to have engaged in bullying or harassment may be put on social probation or evaluation, or dismissal.

    Dating, Engagement, and Marriage

    “It is God’s will that you should be holy; that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the heathen, who do not know God” (I Thess. 4:3-5).

    This is perhaps the most difficult area of student life to clarify because of widely different personalities and attitudes. Yet, for the sake of our Christian testimony both on and off campus, it is essential that students know what is expected. Public displays of affection, beyond hand holding, among couples create an environment that can make students and visitors feel uncomfortable. The enforcement of this public guideline is designed to do the following:

    • Encourage student responsibility as to the spirit of this guideline, not just the letter of the law.
    • Create an awareness of a greater sense of discipline and personal integrity for each couple in their dating and potential engaged life.
    • Develop a dependence on godly principles to strengthen and work through struggles dating couples must face.

    Couples also have a responsibility to maintain Biblically sound standards for their private behavior.

    Students are expected to use discretion in all situations. When visiting homes of other students or members of the community, students must remember that they represent the Lord Jesus Christ. Students are also representatives of Grace. Therefore students should not place themselves in compromising situations.

    On-Campus Apartments/Housing

    All housing owned by Grace Christian University falls under the same guidelines as Residence Halls housing.

    Off-Campus Students

    All unmarried students who are less than four semesters removed from high school graduation and who are enrolled in six or more hours are required to room and board at the university. Students who desire to live at home with their parent(s) or guardian(s) may submit an off campus housing form. The University reserves the right to deny requests for off-campus housing. Special exceptions may be granted after appeal to the Community Life Department.

    Students living off-campus are expected to abide by all university guidelines except those directly pertaining to resident life. If you are a single Grace student living off campus, members of the opposite sex are expected to be out of your apartment/house by 1:00 am. Visitation by the opposite sex is to be conducted with discretion. We also recommend there be three persons present in the apartment/house when one of the persons is of the opposite sex. Single students are not permitted to share housing with single members of the opposite sex.

    Campus Facilities

    Student Commons

    The Commons is a place for relaxation and visiting. Special care should be taken in consideration of any guest of the University that we create an atmosphere welcoming to students, staff and guests. It is open throughout the day and in the evenings. Outside doors will be locked during some of the open hours. Student access will be via proximity card.

    Saturday – Thursday: 6am to 1am
    Friday: 6am to 2am

    Any organization desiring to use the Commons for a meeting must make arrangements through the Housekeeping and Rental Coordinator.

    Student Lounges

    Student lounges attached to both Preston and Aletheia Halls have been provided for the convenience of the students. A more casual atmosphere is permissible here than in the Student Commons. However, the following will apply to the Student Lounges:

    Hours: 7am to curfew

    Lights must be left on in the evenings when using the Lounges.

    Activities that would damage walls or furniture are not permitted. Students will be billed for damage requiring repair exceeding that covered by normal cleaning fees.

    Before 7:00 am and after curfew, women will use the Women’s Lounge only and men will use the Men’s Lounge only.

    Television viewing in the Rec Room and lounges must be done within the bounds of the letter and intent of Grace’s entertainment policy.

    • No entertainment (TV or film) will be used on campus which contain themes that glorify immoral living, immodesty, profanity, vulgarity, suggestive language, drunkenness, or which seeks to undermine and attack biblical Christian principles and values.
    • Students are not to have public performances of videos or DVDs licensed for home use only.

    The Quad is a common area of the Grace campus. Students should be considerate of classes meeting. Only Christian music and/or instrumental music will be allowed to be played in the quad.


    Aldrich Athletic Center includes the gym and weight room, and these facilities are reserved for students, staff, and alumni of Grace Christian University. Students using the gym are permitted to welcome one guest at a time.

    Presence in Buildings

    When a building is locked, or after the time posted for it to be closed, no student, except an employee on duty, may be there. Students are not permitted in the kitchen area unless they are on-duty kitchen workers. Students are not to enter dorms designated for the opposite sex at any time except during supervised open dorm hours. A $10 fine will be assessed to each individual in violation, and this fine will increase for successive violations. Violators may be subject to additional discipline and consequences including dismissal from the university or legal prosecution for breaking and entering. Unauthorized use of any school keys or access cards to enter buildings is a violation of the Presence in Buildings guideline.

    Dining Hall

    Mealtimes provide excellent opportunities for Christian fellowship. In order that all may realize the fullest enjoyment from these occasions, attention should be given to the students’ personal appearance, observances of basic etiquette, and maintaining pleasant and appropriate conversation. Conduct in the Dining Hall should take into consideration those around you.

    Food is served in the Dining Hall during posted meal times. Coaches will arrange athletic practices to allow students adequate time for meals. Sack lunches are provided upon request for students with conflicting class or work schedules. Please sign up for sack lunches with a kitchen staff employee. If you have special dietary needs, please see the Director of Food Service for proper meal planning and instructions. Certain criteria must be met to allow for special diets. Vegetarian options are provided at all meals. Students who are ill may have a meal brought to them. This service should be arranged through an RA or Resident Director.

    Dining Hall glasses, dishes, utensils, plates, or anything else belonging to the Food Service Department are not to be removed from the Dining Hall. Violation will warrant a fine and the cost of these items being charged to the student.

    All students must either have their ID card scanned or pay for their meal before eating food at any meal.

    Students are permitted to use their meal scans for guests. A maximum of two additional guest scans is allowed for one meal (3 total scans per meal). Students cannot exceed five guest scans per week without express permission of kitchen staff.

    Because of State Health Codes and consideration of others, proper cleansing must be taken after any athletic activity before eating in the Dining Hall. Shoes, shirts and pants that cover your underwear must be worn in the Dining Hall at all times.

    Suggestions regarding food service should be made to the Director of Food Service during regularly scheduled Food Action Group meetings. Immediate concerns should be directed to the Director of Food Service or a Student Affairs Staff member.


    Students who own or operate a vehicle on campus must have a Grace parking permit placed in the lower corner of the rear window on the driver’s side. Students are to park in designated student parking areas or open parking areas only (see the Parking Map). Parking behind the Grace Townhomes is reserved for Townhome residents. These residents are also permitted to park in other student lots. Parking at the Jack T. Dean Academic Center is available at various hours as indicated by signs in the parking lot. Street parking is available in front of the Grace Townhomes on Rogers Lane. $25 tickets will be issued to students’ vehicles parked in the visitor spaces, handicapped spaces and the kitchen service entrance. All parking lots are also monitored by the Wyoming Police Department who will ticket handicap parking violators. Vehicles parked in fire lanes may be ticketed and towed. Students are not permitted to change their oil or make car repairs in any Grace parking lot. Any vehicle not running, damaged or unlicensed has 30 days to be repaired or removed from the lot. After 30 days, Grace will have the vehicle towed assessing the owner a fine of $50.00 plus towing costs.

    Parking Map

    The parking map in this section details areas designated for staff parking or open parking. Street parking is permitted on Aldon Street, 26th Street, and the west side of Rogers Lane. Note that some areas may have signs prohibiting street parking.

    Employment Assistance

    Grace Christian University desires to assist students in finding jobs. Employers frequently call the University informing us of available jobs. On-campus job applications are also available. Further information is available through the Career Services office and by contacting the Human Resources Department.

    Employment Policy

    Students attending Grace should remember their primary obligation and purpose is education. If you are a residence student and work requires you to stay out past curfew, you must secure permission from the Dean of Students. Employment should not be of such a nature that it would conflict with classes or study time. Any student who does not maintain a 2.0 average may be required to diminish their hours of employment or lessen their academic load.

    A Grace student should maintain an attitude toward his/her job which would be honoring to Christ and which would preserve the testimony of the university. Future students benefit from the good reputation left by students who were satisfactory and courteous workers. Always remember that you may want a recommendation someday, whether employed by someone outside or inside the University community.

    Because of the general principles in Romans 14, the ‘collective conscience,’ and the focused concern of our university community, students seeking employment are to abide by these guidelines:

    • No student is to accept any employment in bars, clubs, party stores, dispensaries, or any other establishment whose primary business is the consumption or purchase of alcohol or marijuana.
    • No student is to work in theaters, clubs or bars which promote or profit from social dance or sell any form of pornography.


    The Student Counseling Center is available to support students in their mental health goals and to promote wellness for the campus community. Counseling services are free to enrolled students, confidential, and tailored to meet the individual needs of the student. Students should contact the Student Counseling Center to meet with a licensed counselor and determine what level of treatment is best for his/her concerns.

    University & Community Assistance

    Grace Christian University has limited substance abuse counseling and will provide referrals for those who need it. Sarah Molenkamp, our Campus Counselor, can refer students for substance abuse counseling.

    Good Faith

    The University, in adopting and implementing this policy pursuant to the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act, further certifies it will make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a safe, drug-free environment and to respect the privacy of its students and employees.

    Sexual Assault Policy

    If you have been sexually assaulted, You are not alone in this. What has happened is not your fault. We will help in any way we can. The philosophy of Grace Christian University concerning sexual assault and rape is foremost to assist victims in whatever needs are present. The University recognizes that a student may be sexually assaulted while violating student handbook guidelines and prioritizes a student’s health above their adherence to the handbook. In addition, the University will cooperate fully with any formal investigation by local police and will pursue all complaints to the best of our ability.

    Sexual Assault is “any type of sexual contact that is nonconsensual, forced or coerced, or when the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her temproary or permanent mental or physical incapacity or because of his/her youth” (mcedsv 2).

    Rape is “nonconsensual, forced, or coerced sexual penetration against the will of the victm or when the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity, or because of his/her youth” (mcedsv 2).

    Grace Christian University recommends the following if a sex offense or rape has occurred:

    1. Get to a safe place
    2. Notify a Student Affairs staff member or resident assistant as soon as possible
      Jim Gamble (616) 308-2044 (Dean of Students)
      Sarah Molenkamp (616) 690-3917 (Campus Counselor)
      Kyle Bohl (616) 403-4123 (Campus Safety Advisor)
    3. It is the student’s choice how much he/she discloses to a Student Affairs team member. After an assault, it may take a significant time to process trauma neurobiologically. Certain areas of the brain go “off-line” during trauma and can cause a survivor to have an inability to coherently express the chain of events in a linear fashion or remember certain details of the assault. Processing trauma in the brain can vary from person to person. Coming forward sooner is beneficial to the student based on collecting evidence and receiving support.

      Grace Christian University has several advocates specifically trained to assist victims of sexual assault and safe places for victims to go. This includes all RAs as well as student affairs staff members. You can choose who you are most comfortable with to aid you and/or accompany you to the hospital or the YWCA. In addition, the YWCA has advocates who are also trained to work with you. Finally, both Grace Christian and the YWCA have counseling options that you can utilize in the healing process. Safe places on campus include RA and Resident Director housing units.

    4. If a rape has occurred, please remember that physical evidence is critical to criminal prosecution.

    Immediately contacting the police, hospital, or YWCA will give you the best chance to collect evidence and have a stronger case. Receiving a forensic exam through the YWCA’s Nurse Examiner Program is free to the survivor. Evidence at the scene of the assault will be collected by the police, while evidence collection on the person of the victim can be performed at the hospital or YWCA. In order to collect as much evidence as possible, it is strongly recommended that the victim does not shower, bathe, brush their teeth, or change clothes before going to the hospital. However, an examination can be completed up to 120 hours after the assault. If you decide to file a police report, you are not required to prosecute (press charges). This is your decision, and you can take time to decide. If the assault is reported to the police and you would like to prosecute, the police will gather evidence and take it to the state attorney. If there is enough evidence, the state attorney will prosecute. If you do not want to have police involvement, it is best to seek an examination through the YWCA because local hospitals must report all cases to the police.

    Calling 911 will bring the police to assist you.

    Phone number for the YWCA: (616) 454-9922

    If sought by the student, a full investigation by police will be initiated with total cooperation given by the Student Affairs Staff and Grace Christian University. If criminal arrest should occur, Grace Christian University would advise the survivor as to a proper course of action relevant to their academic program. Conviction of any crime is cause for immediate dismissal. Grace recognizes that investigations can take time, during which the University reserves its right to make decisions to keep the campus safe and maintain educational opportunities for both the accuser and the accused.

    Please note that Grace Christian University stands against any form of sexual assault and will fully support victims of sexual assault.

    Student Affairs Responses:

    1. Education programs to promote the awareness of rape, acquaintance rape and other sex offenses are held occasionally. These are sponsored by Student Affairs and the Residence Halls.
    2. Possible sanctions for rape, acquaintance rape, or other sex offenses (forcible or non-forcible) follow an on-campus disciplinary procedure.

    Krieger, Gail. MCEDSV: A Handbook For Survivors of Sexual Assault. January, 2015, Okemos, Michigan.

    Firearms & Weapons

    Firearms, ammunition and other weapons may not be on Grace Christian University property. This includes guns (firearms, pellet guns, air-soft guns, paintball guns and other), hunting knives, swords, blow-guns and other instruments which may be construed as a weapon. This restriction includes items secured in vehicles. See the Dean of Students if you have questions.

    Computer/E-mail/Internet Policy

    Staff and students experience technical issues can submit IT Requests at

    Grace Christian University provides computing resources to support its mission of Christian higher education-particularly in the areas of instruction, research and independent study, and to encourage a responsible community of shared inquiry. Student use of these resources must be consistent with these intentions. As a responsible member of the Grace community, you are expected to act in accordance with the following guidelines which are based on common sense, common decency, civility, and Christian values as applied to the networked computing environment.

    Users of Grace Christian University computer and network resources

    Grace Christian University’s computers and network are for the use of faculty, staff and registered students in good standing. Visitors may make use of Internet and other resources with permission from the Director of Information Technologies or a University administrator.

    Expected Behavior

    Any students, faculty, staff and guests of Grace Christian University using university network and computer resources must comply with the guidelines set forth in this policy and with federal, state and local laws. Improper use of university technology resources may result in disciplinary action. Use of Grace Christian University computers or network for private financial gain is prohibited.

    E-mail on the Grace Christian University network

    The following are unacceptable uses of e-mail:

    • Mass mailings or forwards to more than 15 recipients for anything other than approved university administrative purposes (spam).
    • Sending an e-mail with falsified addresses (spoofing).
    • Using someone else’s e-mail account without their consent.
    • Sending harassing or abusive e-mail.
    • Unsolicited advertising is not acceptable.

    Upon Departure from Grace Christian University

    Your Grace network login and email account are yours to use for as long as you are a student at Grace Christian University. Once a student completes a degree or leaves for any other reason, the following process is initiated:

    After 60 days – student’s email, google docs and login accounts will be disabled. Emergency access to email must be requested through the Information Technology Department.

    After 90 days – all accounts are deleted. No further access to accounts is possible.

    Security Restrictions

    You are responsible for your network User ID and password. Distributing your password to others or otherwise attempting to evade, disable, or “crack” password or other security provisions threatens the work of many others and is therefore grounds for immediate suspension of your network access privileges.

    Information residing on institutionally-maintained systems, including, but not limited to, student, financial, and personnel records, is made available to users on an individual basis only, and only to such extent as explicitly authorized by the department which has custodial responsibility for that data.

    Grace Christian University technology personnel may routinely monitor individual computer and network use. The University reserves the right to inspect personal computers and data files to investigate evidence of misuse.

    Installation of personal wireless access points is not allowed.

    Users of Grace Christian University network must accept the network assigned IP address. Users may not set their own IP address.

    Personal Responsibility

    Technology is not perfect and there is always the possibility of file loss or delays due to equipment failure.

    Students are responsible to keep archives and backup copies of important work.

    Students have use of Google Docs through Grace’s Google apps subscription.

    Students need to schedule work so that if a technology glitch (printer problems for instance) delays your work you can still hand it in at the expected time.

    Computers and printers are provided in some locations for student academic use. Students are expected to use these responsibly. Misuse of these resources, includes the following:

    Use of University computers for non-academic purposes while others need to use them for legitimate university-related work. Academics must always take priority.

    Installing unapproved programs or endangering data security by exposing university PCs to potentially destructive viruses, worms and other such files.

    Viewing Inappropriate Material

    The Internet is a reflection of human society. It can be both a worthwhile tool and a stumbling block in our Christian walk. Students, faculty and staff of Grace Christian University are expected to avoid all materials and sites related to pornography, nudity and gambling. Accountability in this area is maintained through the use of Internet usage logs and filters. Violations of this policy, including attempts to bypass filters, will result in disciplinary action.

    If you encounter a blocked site that you feel you have a legitimate reason to access, please see the Director of Information Technologies.

    Respect copyright and other intellectual-property rights.

    Copying the words, files or passwords belonging to others or the University may constitute plagiarism or theft. Software licensed by the University or merely used on University equipment must be used in accordance with that license agreement. Violations of the terms of software license agreements are not within the scope of University employment; the University may seek repayment of fines or damages from students or employees who violate licensing terms and may take disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.

    Copying or sharing copyrighted material, including through peer to peer file sharing, is illegal and immoral. We expect members of this Christian community will seek to uphold both the letter and spirit of the law regarding copyrighted material. Students found to have illegally downloaded files will have network privileges revoked.

    Use resources efficiently and fairly.

    Grace students, faculty and staff are expected to accept limitations or restrictions on use of computing resources, such as bandwidth, time limits, or amount of resources consumed, when asked to do so by institutional policy or technical managers. Students, faculty and staff are heavily discouraged from using the Grace Christian University campus network to download any unnecessary files or programs from the Internet. Such restrictions are designed to ensure fair access and use for all users.

    Academic and administrative uses of network and computer resources are held as highest priorities. Any uses of university resources that interfere with these priorities must be avoided.

    Viruses and Worms

    All users, including those bringing their personal computers on campus, are responsible for having anti-virus software protection on their PCs. This will help to protect their personal PCs and all other PCs connected to the same network.

    Student Businesses

    Grace encourages your entrepeneurial spirit. If you have a business idea to be the next Google or Facebook, that’s fantastic. Two parameters we ask: 1) do not use a campus address as your business address, and 2) ask permission (see the VP for Student Affairs or Executive Vice President of Grace Christian University). There may be insurance requirements depending on the type of business you want to start.

    Minimum and Recommended Specifications for Personal Computers


    Minimum Specs

    Recommended Specs


    Intel Core i3 7th Generation

    Intel Core i5 or i7; Ryzen 3 or better

    Operating System

    Windows 10

    Mac OS 10.12

    Windows 10 or 11

    Mac OS 10.12



    8GB or more

    Network and Wireless

    Wireless 802.11a/c/n

    Wireless 802.11a/c/n

    Integrated Gigabit Ethernet


    Largely personal preference depending on your needs, but for those who must use Apple computers, Retina displays are highly recommended


    Chromebooks are not recommended for everyday academic use and are not supported by the IT office for connectivity or other functions.

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