Congrats to the 2024 Alumni Award Recipients

Mar 20, 2024 | Alumni, The Journey

Dale Carper

Alumnus of the Year

Dale Carper

Dale Carper ‘19 values education and has earned a total of three degrees from Grace, including a bachelor’s in Human Services and Biblical Studies. He applies his knowledge and passion working as a Child Protective Service Investigator for the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services. Dale specializes in cases related to child abuse and neglect, mainly focusing on minimizing experienced trauma. In addition to working as a CPS Investigator, Dale has also served as a firefighter for eleven years and as a chaplain for three years. He cherishes his experience at Grace, particularly valuing professors Dr. Sam Vinton and Dr. Scott Shaw. Dale shares that, “the life as a student on such a beautiful campus surrounded by friends who truly care for one another as people was a blessing.” Dale met his wife and fellow alumni award winner, Katie Carper, during his time at Grace and they now have two beautiful daughters, Madilyn and Lauren.

Katie Carper

Alumna of the Year

Katie Carper

Katie Carper ‘18 graduated from Grace with a bachelor’s in Human Services. She attributes a large part of her influence in pursuing a degree and career in human services to professors Dr. Scott Shaw and Dr. Jan Schregardus. Katie grew professionally at Grace as well as spiritually, saying, “I was able to learn more in-depth about the Bible from my classes.” Currently, she is faithfully serving as a foster care services specialist for the Michigan Department of Health. In her role, Katie works closely with families who have had children removed from their care and provides services in hopes of reunification. In cases where parents have lost their parental rights, she aids in processes such as adoption, guardianship, and independent living. As a human services professional, wife, and mother, it is evident that Katie is a loving servant to everyone God places in her life.


Alumnus of the Year

Nick Mascorro

After graduating from Grace with a Bachelor’s in Human Services, Nick Mascorro ‘14 graduated at the top of his classes at the ATF National Academy and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. Nick currently serves as an ATF Special Agent and is dedicated to apprehending criminals involved in firearm-related felonies, specifically shootings and homicides. Nick credits Grace for playing an instrumental role in the formation of a strong spiritual foundation in his life, one that has helped him remain grounded while encountering stressful, violent, and difficult situations in his field of work. “There is nothing extraordinary about my skills or abilities,” Nick says. “The only thing that is extraordinary is God’s grace in my life, because I deserve no special accolades or awards, and He deserves credit for everything.”


Read more stories like this in The Journey Magazine | Spring 2024 >


Haley Forbes ‘23 is the Alumni Relations Coordinator.

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