Office of the President
Office of the President
Welcome to Grace Christian University! I am honored to have served this institution for more than 20 years as we educate and inspire scholars to learn, grow, serve, and become all that God has designed them to be.
I’ve noticed that the term, “Christian”, has lost much of its meaning in the world today, and even has negative connotations to some. Yet we are Grace Christian University. In all we do, we strive to hold to the truth of God’s Word graciously and lovingly as the foundation for all belief, education, and practice. We fully recognize that this is a broken world, and that brokenness pervades every person, organization, and religious attempt to please God. There are no perfect people, churches, organizations, or colleges. This is why Jesus Christ came to earth to die in our place.
God demonstrated His own love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
– Romans 5:8
In light of this reality, the worldview of Grace Christian University is one of respect and honor for God’s creation, and we recognize that God is in the process of reconciling all that is broken by man’s rebellion. We understand the heart of God is to redeem every student and transform them into courageous ambassadors for Christ. This is our mission statement:
Graduating Courageous Ambassadors for Christ Who Make an Eternal Impact Wherever They Go.
Grace is about more than classes or a degree. It is about molding and preparing students to be used significantly by God in ways that will transform both the students and those they will serve when they graduate.
Our students have a higher calling than just fitting in, being comfortable, or looking “cool.” We strive to challenge our students to stand for Jesus Christ as courageous ambassadors even when it may be counter-cultural. In the depravity of our world, there is a dire need for compassionate people to spread the narrative of hope, grace, and love found in Jesus Christ. This is our highest calling. We are preparing students to stand against the downward flow of sinfulness and to be ambassadors for Christ, who guide others to fulfilling lives in Jesus Christ.
Grace students are given biblical answers to know and live out graciously and lovingly to a lost world. We challenge students to show and tell the real meaning of life and freedom as defined by the Maker and Redeemer of the world.
In this pursuit of Truth, we are unapologetic, unwavering, and graceful in practice.
I welcome you to join us,
– Ken Bruce Kemper, PhD

Fax (616) 538-0599
Connect with the President
President Kemper enjoys talking with students, alumni, donors, faculty and staff. If you would like to talk with President Kemper, or desire to have him visit your home or church, please contact us. Follow President Kemper on social media by clicking on the links below.