On-Campus & Online Students
Scholarships & Grants available to you!
There are literally hundreds of scholarships and grants available to you, it’s just a matter of finding them. Start with an online search of scholarship websites—we’ve listed a few below. Then check with your church, your (or your parents’) employer, the city/community you live in, local businesses, even your high school. You’ll be amazed when you discover what is available!

Scholarship Websites
Start with an online search—we’ve listed a few search engines we’ve found are most helpful. They streamline the process, allowing you to apply for many scholarships at once.
There are many other search engines out there, so don’t give up the search!

Community Connections
Check with your church, your (or your parents’) employer, the city/community you live in, local businesses, even your high school.

Unique Qualifiers
What characteristics, achievements, hobbies, or interests make you different? There might be a scholarship or grant for that! Do some research. You’ll be amazed when you discover what is available!

Featured Outside Scholarship
Grace Ministries International (GMI) Future Missionary Scholarship
$2,000 per year ($1,000/semester)
GMI offers a $2,000 annual scholarship to new and returning full-time students at
Grace Christian University who are interested in a career in missions.
Federal & State Aid
Federal & State Aid
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) determines your eligibility for Federal and State grants. The FAFSA application is typically released between October and December each year and needs to be completed by both the student and parent. You should submit your completed FAFSA application as soon as possible after January 1st and before May 1st.
Loans & Responsible Borrowing
Many students borrow more than they need for their tuition, books and fees. We want to strongly encourage you to consider borrowing only what you need or using only subsidized loans when possible. Subsidized loans do not collect interest while you are attending your program, however, unsubsidized loans do.
Ready to take the next step?
Find Out What Scholarships & Grants You are Eligible For
Complete a Free Application and talk with your Enrollment Advisor.