5 Tips for Growing in Your Walk With Christ While at Christian College

Feb 16, 2024 | Blog, Current Students

As a Christian student attending a Christian college, you likely already understand the importance of private devotions. Personal Bible reading, prayer, and spiritual disciplines may already be regular daily practices in your life. But how does that change when you begin to attend a Christian college? Theology classes, regular chapel attendance, and being surrounded by a strong Christian community are amazing ways to grow in your Christian faith. Having these everyday blessings and benefits can sometimes create the temptation to forget about your personal devotions. Growing in your walk with Christ while at Christian college isn’t something that can or should be put on autopilot, no matter how much Biblical encouragement is already built into your everyday college experience. 

5 Tips for Growing in Your Walk with Christ While at Christian College

College is busy. We get it! There are classes to attend, homework to complete, friends to enjoy, sports to play, extracurricular activities to join…there’s really no end to the experiences that you can have during your college years. However, as you attend Christian college, we encourage you to not forget the reason why you chose to attend in the first place – to grow in your walk with Christ during your college years and beyond. At Grace Christian University, we’re committed to graduating courageous ambassadors for Christ. Because of this, the Bible is integrated into everything we do. Students at Grace receive a Biblical education, and theology classes are required for every degree track. In addition, students enjoy regular chapels, ministry opportunities, and deep Christian friendships with both fellow students and staff. It can be tempting to think that these opportunities are “enough”, and to slowly let your regular personal devotions slip. Don’t give in to that temptation! Don’t let yourself go on “autopilot” and let go of the regular routines and rhythms of growing in your personal relationship with your Creator. Here are 5 tips for growing in your walk with Christ while attending a Christian college.

1. Stay in the Word

Studying the Bible in your classes is a wonderful opportunity that not every college student has. Take advantage of it and enjoy it! On the other hand, studying the Word in class isn’t a substitute for private Bible reading. It can be tempting to let a daily time of devotions slip and instead spend that time sleeping or hanging out with friends. Make it a priority to spend at least a few minutes each day reading your Bible on your own. A Bible reading plan is an excellent tool for helping you stay committed to regular reading. Having a reading plan ensures that you don’t have to wonder what to read every day from the Bible. Your plan will give you direction, and you’ll get to experience a sense of satisfaction from checking it off every day. It also gives you a sense of accountability, keeping you on track.

2. Personal prayer

Make personal prayer a priority. Although we are called to “pray continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17), our prayers to a holy God should be more than offering up a quick sentence on your way to class in the morning (although these prayers are important, too!). Make it a point to spend a few minutes each day in quiet, focused prayer. To aid in this, make a list of the people and personal situations that you’re praying for. Spend time confessing your sin, thanking God for His goodness and many blessings, and offering up your requests to Him. Then, don’t forget to write down the ways that you see Him answer your prayers, so that you can remember the faithfulness of God in your own life!

3. Spiritual disciplines

Next, don’t neglect spiritual disciplines. Personal prayer and Bible reading are two such disciplines. But along with these, the Bible also encourages us in other disciplines that help us to grow in godliness. These include practices such as Bible memorization and regular corporate worship with a local body of believers. God has given us these tools to keep our fallible hearts grounded in Himself and His Word. Don’t take them for granted! In addition, don’t neglect the disciplines that will allow you to prioritize growing in your walk with Christ – such as getting adequate sleep! Prioritizing daily Bible reading and prayer may require you to go to sleep a few minutes earlier so that you have the energy to wake up a little earlier in the morning, grab your cup of coffee, and sit down with your Bible.

4. Find an accountability partner

An accountability partner is someone who will encourage you and walk with you on your journey of growing in your walk with Christ. Find a friend – whether it’s someone who is at college with you or not – and purpose together to help and encourage one another along the way. You and your accountability partner could even read from the same Bible reading plan. Start by telling each other your goals for your personal growth in Christ, and then check in with each other frequently. If you know someone’s going to be asking you how your Bible reading plan, personal prayer, Scripture memorization, or weekly attendance at your local church is going, you’ll be more motivated to persevere!

5. Apply what you’re learning

Lastly, apply what you’re learning in your classes, chapels, and relationships at college to your personal and private devotions. If you’re taking a theology class that especially interests you, use your personal Bible time to dive into that topic even further. Learned something at chapel that really stood out to you? Pray about how you can grow in that area, or share it with a friend. Have you been blessed by a faculty member who has poured into your life? Think about who you might be able to encourage in return.

Graduating Courageous Ambassadors

At Grace Christian University, we feel extremely blessed by the opportunity to see students grow in their walk with Christ. Whether you end up serving in ministry or making a difference in your daily workplace and neighborhood, your time at Grace will propel you forward into a life of service. Interested in learning more about Grace? Request more information today!

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