Autumn Olson – Alumni Highlight

Mar 18, 2024 | Alumni

Every college claims to care for their students and that they make an impact on their students’ lives, but what does this actually entail? At Grace, students love the “family” atmosphere that permeates the college. As a smaller university, we have the opportunity to really get to know and invest in our students. We love hearing from alumni who have graduated and gone on to make an eternal impact. Check out the story of Grace alumna Autumn Olson to see how Grace Christian University has affected her life.

Autumn Olson – Alumna Highlight

Autumn Olson is a fairly recent graduate of Grace Christian University. She attended Grace from the years 2015-2019 when she earned her degree in Human Services. Human services is defined as an area of study that “uniquely approaches the objective of meeting human needs through an interdisciplinary knowledge base, focusing on prevention as well as remediation of problems, and maintaining a commitment to improving the overall quality of life of service populations“.

Those who major in human services need to have a kind disposition and a love for helping others, which is something that Autumn Olson has in excess.

When asked about what she liked about Grace, Autumn had this to say, “I liked the size of the college. I liked that not only was it a tight-knit community of students but you weren’t just a number to the professors. The professors knew every student by name. It really made you feel like you belonged there.”

Community is something that Grace does well. We strive to love and know each other as God loves and knows us. We are a reflection of God in the world so our students and professors strive to be a beacon of His love in the world.

The Difference Grace Can Make

Autumn enjoyed her time at Grace, sharing that, “I really enjoyed my Historic Theologians class with Dr. Lorvin”. It was a class like this that, paired with staff that were truly passionate about their teaching, taught her to be independent, hard-working, and manage her time better. She also credited her classes with helping her to grow in her faith.

Not only did she appreciate the skills taught to her throughout her education, she also relayed how Grace affected her spiritual life. “I loved the Christian atmosphere. Being challenged by my professors and classes to follow Christ was a great experience. I had friends who were all looking to grow in Christ which helps you to stay accountable. It really helped me grow in my faith”.

At Grace, not only do we seek to prepare you for a future career, but a future where you can make an eternal impact for God’s kingdom in the lives of others.

Request More Info

If Autumn’s story is one you connect with or if the difference Grace has made in her life speaks to you, Grace might be the right college for you. Request more info to learn about our amazing programs and the difference Grace is seeking to make in the world for Christ.

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