Battling on Our Knees

Feb 4, 2014 | President's Blog, News

I am so tired of trying and trying to get things going only to have another obstacle or difficulty arise!  I give up!  I give in!  I hear the Omnipotent God of all creation responding with a smile in His voice – “Good!  I have wanted this opportunity!”

Anyone who has studied the history of the great workings of God and revival through the centuries knows things happen as a result of dedicated Christians who, although busy with the work of God, realize that more “striving on their own” will not bring about a breakthrough.  They realize that “doing more with less” will not accomplish it, nor will the addition of technology or the latest gadgets make it better or easier.  They realized (hopefully, sooner rather than later) what we must also realize:  God wants us to “ramp up” our connection and clear our lines of communication with Him!  God wants us to intensify our prayers – laying it all out before God and listening to His voice as He speaks through the Word of God to our spirits from His Spirit (don’t corner me on how He does this—I don’t know), and through other godly individuals.

I believe we can begin a revival when we respond to God in prayer.  I am not saying that by praying we become more “holy” or “spiritual,” but I am saying that we are petitioning the Holy Spirit and we are fighting against the enemy.  I am saying we are following the marching orders of God by communicating to Him that if He is not in it—we don’t want any part of it!  I am saying that our prayers for faculty and staff members at Grace — petitioning God to protect them from the fiery darts of the evil one so intent on neutralizing them will begin a more victorious path for them and for Grace Christian University.

The enemy is upset:  he is “stalled,” and will do his level best to inflict doubt and fear in the lives of those who pray and those who are prayed for — so that this new onslaught will not continue.  As I respond to the Lord in prayer, I was recently touched by a passage of Scripture from II Chronicles.  I sensed the Lord speaking directly to me:


You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.  2 Chronicles 20:17

To me this is the result of prayer – Paul calls it “the peace that passes all understanding” in Philippians 4.  To do “warfare” with the devil is hard work – but remember Who does the work.  God wants us to surrender and engage in prayer to allow Him to do the battle.  We must stand firm, not be afraid, and not be discouraged.


I continue my intensity in prayer and ask God to multiply these prayers to bring down the inroads and stronghold of the devil on our campus and in our lives.  In the name of the Lord we will not tolerate it.  Satan has no place on our campus and by prayer, we ask God to restrain him and his activities.

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