
Orchestrating Harmony in Your Plan

Many of you may have joined us on February 12th for the Barnabas Foundation webinar on orchestrating harmony in your estate plan. If you missed it, here’s an important takeaway: Just like a symphony needs a conductor to bring each musician into rhythm, your estate...

What To Do After You Graduate College - 10 Awesome Ideas

What To Do After You Graduate College: 10 Awesome Ideas

Graduating college is an exciting and daunting milestone. After years of late nights studying, endless assignments, you did it! You are now a college graduate and you're finally ready to start the next chapter. But now the question looms...what now? The...

Erin Segura - Grace Alumna

Erin Segura – Grace Alumna

Oftentimes you hear people talk about “growing in their faith", but what does that really mean? It can be such a vague phrase - especially because growing in your faith can look different depending on the person. That being said, Grace is dedicated to helping...

Caleb Befus - Alumni Highlight

Caleb Befus – Alumni Highlight

Have you ever wondered what a life in ministry might look like? How does Grace prepare students to serve in vocational ministry? And how do the college years impact students spiritually for years to come? In this blog post, alumnus Caleb Befus shares his journey of...

Kyle and Hilary Vegh at their wedding with a group of attendees.

Kyle & Hilary Vegh: Paying it Forward

"I was a terrible student. I hated everything to do with academics,” Professor Kyle Vegh ’15 says. “But my master’s wasn’t hard because by that point I had gone through the crucible that is Grace Christian University.” Crucible likely isn’t the word most Grace...

Mat Loverin

Transformational Relationships in the Grace Community

Question & Answer with Dr. Mat Loverin ’98, Dean and Professor of Bible & Ministry   Q: Describe Grace’s community and interactions with students inside and outside the classroom. A: As a professor, I always felt that the connections I had with...

Chuck & Joy Befus

Chuck & Joy Befus: Grace for the Next Generation

Chuck’s father said, ‘Don’t bother to come to Costa Rica unless you’re going to commit for five years.’ So we said, ‘Well, we’ll go for five years and see how God works,’” Joy Befus ’83 says. With Chuck’s full construction business and Joy’s childcare center, the...

Jeb Meredith

Jeb Meredith: An Impossible Purpose

By Sarah Cross ’24 I barely had a high school diploma,” Jeb says. At 57 years old, Jeb Meredith ’18 decided to earn his college degree while living in Peace Park in Houston, Texas. In a tent. He had been homeless since 2001. Jeb grew up in Conroe, Texas, forty...

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