Organizational Leadership Picture

Living a Christ-Centered Life While Under Pagan Culture

Day after day news comes of crime and injustice taking place around us in America. It isn’t just the media and what’s newsworthy: we really are spiraling downward at an alarming rate. The evil and wickedness of our culture becomes more normal and accepted, and...

GCU Alumni Background Image

Motivation for Service

“But I just don’t feel like doing it.” How many times have you heard someone speak those words, or even more alarming … you have spoken them? I know I have. It is so patently human NOT to want to do what we should, or even what we know is the best thing to do....

Marketing Picture

Did You Say Something?

Have you ever been sitting quietly in a room, maybe reading or concentrating on something, and turned to holler to someone in the next room, “Did you say something?”  I have often done that, and the older I get, the more I think I might actually miss a call,...

Picture Of Praying Person

Trying to Justify Past Actions

I am amazed at how much effort we extend to try and pacify others whom we have wronged rather than just deal with the issue itself. There is something powerful inside each of us -- connected to our sin nature and pride -- that goes against wanting to just...

Study Abroad Background Image

Humility and Submission

In his book The Grace Way, Pastor Cal Bodeutsch speaks of humility as the key to spiritual growth. His point is well put when he states, “The same pride which keeps people from receiving God’s gift of eternal life also keeps believers from receiving the rest of...

Human Services Picture

Growing in Grace

I have always loved gardening and landscaping.  I had large gardens while in Africa, growing everything from strawberries and pineapples to radishes and bananas.  Now that spring has officially “sprung” in Michigan, I can’t wait for the grass to grow and plants to...

General Ministry Picture

Bitter or Better?

One ship goes east, another west, By the self-same winds that blow; ’Tis the set of the sail and not the gale That determines the way they go. Like the winds of the sea are the ways of time, As we voyage along through life; ’Tis the set of the soul that determines...

Interdisciplinary Studies Picture

Crying Out in Desperation

Have you ever poured out your heart to the Lord because of your desperation? I certainly have. Many times as a missionary in Africa I cried out to the Lord and unashamedly bared my soul to God. These were often desperate times -- of family illness, danger, or even...

Female student in class reading

A Letter to Read

We can recall countless songs from almost every genre of music that speak of getting, waiting for, or writing a letter. Normally the letter has to do with missing a sweetheart who is far away, or an estranged family member who writes of their renewed love and...

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