How to Live Out the Great Commission at Grace Christian University

Sep 27, 2024 | Blog

When I was considering where to attend college, one of my biggest concerns was whether I would have opportunities to share the Gospel if I went to a Christian school. Growing up in a Christian home, attending a Christian church, and studying at a Christian school meant that I had few chances to build relationships with unbelievers, let alone share the Gospel. I didn’t want that to be the case during my college years, as I knew that sharing Christ was part of my calling as a Christian. Jesus’ command to live out the Great Commission “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel” (Mark 16:15) is for me, too, as it is for all Christ followers.

After coming to Grace Christian University, I quickly realized that while many students are believers, there are still plenty of opportunities to live out the Great Commission. I’ve learned that whether you’re in a Christian environment or not, your mission as an ambassador for Christ remains the same. Here are some ways I’ve learned to represent Christ at Grace Christian University and how you can do the same.

Discipling Fellow Believers

At Grace Christian University, we understand that the Great Commission isn’t just about evangelizing to unbelievers; it’s also about discipling believers. Jesus said in Matthew 28:19-20, “Go and make disciples of all nations, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” Being in a caring community of Christ followers offers an incredible opportunity to help each other grow in faith. You’ll have moments to empower one another through prayer, Bible-centered conversations, and even simple text messages or coffee meetups.

The foundation of our university is the Bible, and we are committed to teaching, training, and equipping students to be rooted in their faith. Whether it’s through chapel services, student-led devotionals, or discipleship groups, you have countless opportunities to encourage your fellow students in their walk with Christ. Remember, discipleship is a two-way street, and as you invest in others, you’ll also be strengthened in your own faith journey. These interactions are not only fulfilling but are also a key part of fulfilling the Great Commission.

Being Ready for Gospel Conversations on Campus

There will be moments when you meet people who may not fully grasp what it means to be a Christ follower. In those instances, you have the chance to share the reason for the hope that you have (1 Peter 3:15). Living in a way that reflects Christ’s love and grace can open doors for Gospel conversations, even among those who attend a Christian university.

Grace Christian University’s commitment to transforming lives means we emphasize more than academic excellence. We focus on empowering students to become courageous ambassadors for Christ. You’ll be surrounded by others who share your faith, and always be ready to represent Christ, even in unexpected moments. The eternal impact of your witness can reach far beyond what you imagine, even in a setting that’s primarily Christian.

Serving at grace

Working Together: Ministry Opportunities

Serving Christ alongside others makes fulfilling the Great Commission even more impactful. God gives us different gifts and experiences, and we can use them to serve together. At Grace, you’ll find many opportunities to join ministry efforts. From mission trips to local outreach, students can work together to share Christ.

Grace Christian University offers students chances to serve both locally and abroad. Whether on a mission trip or volunteering in Grand Rapids, the goal is the same—to make Christ known. Working together strengthens your faith and equips you to be a courageous ambassador.

Making an Eternal Impact in Your Community

Even though most of your time at Grace Christian University is on campus, don’t let that limit your mission. Relationships outside the university are just as crucial. Continue investing in friendships from home or find new ones in Grand Rapids. You have plenty of chances for Gospel conversations through off-campus jobs, volunteering, or attending a local church.

Grace encourages students to get involved in a local church. It’s a great way to grow spiritually and serve others. These churches are where you can live out your calling as an ambassador for Christ. You can serve both within the church and reach those who haven’t experienced Christ’s love.

Stay Focused on the Mission

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day activities of college life. Don’t lose sight of the mission. We’ve been called to make disciples and share the Gospel. Focus on your studies, but remember your eternal purpose: representing Christ and sharing the Gospel.

To stay mission-focused, evaluate how you’re living out the Great Commission. Are you building relationships with other believers? Are you looking for opportunities to share Christ with unbelievers? Spend time in prayer and the Word, asking God to guide you in making a difference in the lives of others.

Conclusion: Live Out the Great Commission Every Day

Living out the Great Commission at Grace Christian University doesn’t require extraordinary effort, it requires intentionality. Whether you’re investing in the lives of fellow students, serving in a local church, or reaching out to unbelievers in your community, God will use you to make an eternal impact.

Praying about where God might be calling you to serve can be the first step. Missions can take many forms, from evangelism and discipleship to practical acts of service, and they allow you to experience firsthand what it means to “go and make disciples.”

Take courage in knowing that Jesus promised to be with us as we go (Matthew 28:20). Continue to seek Him daily, pray for boldness, and trust that He will open doors for Gospel conversations. At Grace, you’re not just a student—you’re an ambassador for Christ, empowered to serve, represent, and make disciples wherever He places you.

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