Making the Most of Chapel at Grace Christian University

Nov 4, 2024 | Blog

Chapel services are more than a weekly gathering; they’re a unique and transformative part of student life at Grace Christian University. Each day, students come together to worship, reflect, and hear messages centered on God’s Word from various speakers who bring fresh perspectives and deep insights. But with busy schedules and the inevitable pressures of college life, chapel can sometimes feel like just another item on our to-do lists. So how can we truly make the most of this opportunity, especially during those times when it’s easy to be distracted or mentally check out? Here are five practical ways to make the most of your chapel experience and enrich this time with God and your community. 

Engage in a Way That Works for You

Chapel offers a moment to pause and refocus, but staying focused can be challenging with so many distractions. Rather than just trying to “pay attention,” find an engaging approach that works best for you. Taking notes writing Bible verses, ideas, and quotes, can help absorb the message. Notes also serve as a quick reference for reflection, allowing you to revisit and meditate on key ideas.


But note-taking doesn’t work for everyone. You might engage better by doodling or using a journaling Bible with wide margins. Many students find that sketching actually helps them stay focused on what’s said. Bible journaling Bibles are ideal, with wide margins for notes, thoughts, and drawings that personalize the message.

Some students prefer to listen without notes or doodles. If you resonate with this approach, keep it simple. Sometimes, being fully present and listening with an open heart is enough.

Make Worship a Time of Personal Reflection

Chapel worship isn’t just about singing; it’s a powerful chance for personal reflection and connection with God. During this time, allow yourself to let go of daily worries and focus on how the message and song lyrics relate to your life. Worship can become a moment to reset, offering peace and guidance as you bring your thoughts and concerns before God.

Find ways to personalize worship that resonate with you. For some, quietly listening and absorbing the lyrics can create a deep sense of peace. Others might find that journaling thoughts or prayers during worship helps capture what they feel God is speaking to them. By treating worship as a space for reflection, you can make it a meaningful part of your spiritual journey at Grace.

Discuss Chapel Messages with Friends

Deepen your understanding of chapel messages by discussing them with others. God works through community, often providing new insights. Share anything that resonated or raised questions with friends around campus. Whether with roommates, classmates, or your small group, sharing what you’ve learned keeps the message alive in your heart.

These conversations don’t have to be formal; often, the best discussions happen spontaneously. Maybe it’s a late-night chat with roommates, lunch conversations, or an after-chapel reflection. Sharing how the message impacted you or hearing others’ experiences can deepen your understanding and build stronger Grace community connections.

If a chapel message challenges you, discuss it with professors. Grace’s faculty are dedicated to your spiritual growth, welcome meaningful conversations about faith. Office hours are a perfect chance to ask questions and gain more insights on chapel topics.

Don’t stop with on-campus conversations! If a family member or friend might benefit, share it. Many chapel messages are recorded, and Grace’s YouTube channel makes it easy to share them. Chapel messages are not just for us; they can bless others, too.


Dive Deeper with Further Reading and Research

Grace’s chapel services expose you to speakers with deep knowledge and experience. Many speakers have written books, led conferences, and shared insights globally. If a message resonates with you, look up other resources by that speaker. Reading their work or watching other talks expands your understanding of chapel topics.


If a speaker discusses themes like forgiveness or leadership, a quick search can reveal their books or articles. Grace’s library often holds books that dive deeper into the topics discussed at chapel. Doing further reading and learning from prominent Christian voices can not only deepen your understanding, helping you apply these truths in your life and future vocation.

Be Present and Avoid the “Scan and Scram” Mentality

It’s tempting to treat chapel as another commitment, especially with busy schedules. But attending mentally checked-out misses the purpose. Viewing chapel as a task on your list reduces its spiritual impact. Instead, put aside distractions like phones, assignments, or other worries and focus fully on worship and the message.

A mindset shift keeps your heart open to the Holy Spirit’s work. Some of the most impactful chapel moments come unexpectedly. Just being present physically isn’t enough; also engage mentally and spiritually. This is your time to grow, connect, and be refreshed.

Chapel isn’t passive; intentional participation fosters gratitude and deeper faith. Your attitude shapes what you gain from it.


Chapel at Grace Christian University isn’t just routine; it’s a unique chance for worship, reflection, and growth. In our busy world, setting aside daily time for God’s Word and worship as a community is a true gift. Engage in ways that work for you, discuss messages with friends, dive deeper, and stay present. Chapel will become more than part of your schedule; it will be a cornerstone of your college experience.

This daily chapel time gives God space to shape your heart, strengthen your faith, and draw you closer to Him. Embrace it as a treasured part of your Grace journey. The more you invest in it, the more you’ll gain, building a foundation to bless you long after graduation.

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