
Chapel Services

Spiritual Growth & Fellowship

Chapels are an essential part of our growth and fellowship as a community at Grace. A few times each week, our staff and students join together to grow in their formation as followers of Jesus Christ and gain a deeper understanding of God’s Word. We do this through teaching out of God’s word, responding through worship, as well as discussion and application for our lives.

Join our livestream on Facebook or YouTube Wednesdays and Thursdays at 9:45am EST for our Teaching and Response Chapels.

Tuesday Formation Chapels will not be livestreamed and will mostly take place in Baker Chapel at 9:45am EST. 

Current Series


Our mission at Grace Christian University is to graduate courageous ambassadors for Christ who make an eternal impact everywhere they go. This year, our chapels will encourage students to be BOLD in their faith and the way they live for Christ. We’ll study examples of courageous faith from biblical figures and examine scriptures that show us how to live boldly. We’ll hear testimonies from staff, students, and others who are living out their faith with courage. We look forward to challenges from our Campus Pastor, Danny Garcia, and visiting speakers as they encourage our students to be BOLD.

Messy Grace - 1 & 2 Corinthians
A group of Grace students during Chapel in Baker Chapel
Formation Chapels


9:45am – Baker Chapel

A speaker during a Chapel Service in Baker Chapel
Teaching Chapels


9:45am – Baker Chapel

Worship Team on stage during a Chapel Service
Response Chapels


9:45am – Baker Chapel

A group of Grace students in the Commons
Common Ground

2nd Tuesdays

8pm – Commons

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Grace Christian University Testimonial

Student's Name