On-Campus Student Ministries
Serving in the Church, in the Community, and Beyond
For students at Grace Christian University, learning isn’t limited to the classroom. Each student follows a track of courses requiring real world experience through serving and volunteering, whether that’s with a local non-profit, a church, or an on-campus organization.
Through this service, our students are encouraged to follow the example of Jesus Christ, are provided with practical experience in various fields of Christian life, develop habits that will continue throughout their entire lives, and explore their gifts and talents through serving in various environments across their college career.
Are you a local church, ministry, or other organization seeking student volunteers?
Organizations can connect with students by visiting our campus at our annual ministry fair or arranging to visit at another time. For more information on our annual ministry fair or to ask questions about student volunteers from Grace Christian University, please contact Jim Gamble, Dean of Students, at jgamble@gracechristian.edu or (616) 261-2694.
Worship & Tech Team | Testimonies
Chapel Services
Chapel is an amazing place where students, staff, and faculty get to learn and worship together. Students can volunteer to help with the music ministry, and tech team which are both great learning opportunities.
Student testimonies are a tradition for Friday chapel where students share the stories of how God has been faithful in their lives. If you have a testimony you would like to share in chapel contact Jim Gamble.
Transformational Relationships
Small Groups & Bible Studies
Small groups are led by our Resident Assistants and other various Bible studies are led by student leaders. Contact Student Affairs to learn about how you can lead a Bible Study.Â
Servant Leaders
Student Government
Student Government’s mission is to serve Grace students by cultivating a Christ-like community. This is done through prayer for students, student encouragement, funding student ideas, and event hosting.
Leadership experience
Student Organizations
Students are encouraged to take on leadership roles within a number of student-led organizations. These roles offer opportunities to support peers, shape campus activities, and unity within the community. Students develop leadership skills while contributing to growth of themselves and their fellow classmates.
Supporting eachother
Mentorship Programs
Minister to other students by getting them connected with a Godly mentor that will help them grow in their faith and succeed in their education.
Students helping Students
Academic Support Center
The Academic Support Center has opportunities for students to become On-Campus Academic Success Coaches or help with paper review. This is a great way to serve fellow students and help them achieve their academic goals. For more information on how you can get involved contact Erinn Huebner ehuebner@gracechristian.edu or (616) 264-6660.
Keep the Campus safe for everyone
Campus Safety
Join the campus safety team and help keep the campus safe for everyone.
Mission Trips | Study Abroad
Cross-Cultural Experience
The world has become a place of continually mixing cultures. Whether students serve as missionaries overseas, teachers in local schools, Christians in business or any other type of service, the ability to live and work with people of different cultures is a critical skill.
One way Grace students develop this skill is through participating in short-term mission trips. In the past few years, students from Grace have traveled to Tanzania, Ireland, Puerto Rico, Washington, Oklahoma, Texas, Alabama, Florida, Missouri, and New York. Trips like these provide our students with crucial opportunities to connect with people from different cultural backgrounds while growing their skills in ministry.
 Grace Students
Are You Looking for a Place to Serve?
If you want more information on how to get involved, click the button below to email the Dean of Students, Jim Gamble.