Bachelor of Science in

Leadership & Ministry

The Bachelor of Science in Leadership & Ministry program is designed to prepare students for a vocation in ministry. In this program, you will build a philosophy of ministry from a scriptural perspective, as well as practice the principles and strategies of Christian ministry. Students will grow in their knowledge of the Bible and essential Christian doctrine, and gain skills to defend the faith. If you’re called to a vocation in ministry and want to understand, articulate, and teach the faith effectively, this program is for you!

Online Undergraduate Start Dates
April 22, 2025
May 27, 2025
Leadership & Ministry Online

Discover & Expand Your Calling From Anywhere

With Grace Christian University’s online degrees, you can further your education no matter where you are. Our online programs are designed to help you become equipped for the Lord’s calling on your life, while working through your classes anytime, anywhere.

Grace’s online degrees offer the same, high-quality level of education as our on-campus options. Each degree also includes required Bible and Theology courses. No matter what track you choose, you’ll graduate with a deeper knowledge of God and His Word, prepared to make an eternal impact wherever you go.

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Experience an Education with a biblical foundation
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Develop Godly Friendships that will last a lifetime
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Feel Confident and Prepared for your ministry career
Professor with 2 students
Learn from instructors who really care

What to Expect

Two students talking to a professor in a classroom

Excellence in Leadership & Ministry, Grounded in Faith

At Grace, our curriculum goes beyond conventional education, weaving biblical principles into every facet of learning. We aim to develop passionate servants of Jesus that emphasize the integration of character transformation, ministry experience, and biblical truth.

2025–26 Tuition Cost

An Affordable Leadership & Ministry Online Degree

Explore the pathway to an affordable yet exceptional Leadership & Ministry degree. With a range of financial aid options and competitive tuition rates, we’re dedicated to ensuring that every student has the opportunity to excel in the pursuit of their calling without the burden of overwhelming student debt.


Online Tuition Cost Per Credit Hour


Online Tuition Cost Per Credit Hour

Military Personnel (active duty, veterans, spouses, dependents 23 or under)


Online Application Fee


Online Resource Fee per 3-Credit Course

(Covers all textbooks and other resources required for Grace Online students)




Credit Hours


Week Courses

* Taking one five-week, three-credit course at a time on a year-round rotation, students typically complete 9-10 courses per year. Depending on the student’s transfer credit status, completing the 120-credit B.S. degree generally takes four years.

Career Paths

Leadership & Ministry Career Paths

Leadership & Ministry students will be equipped with a versatile skill set that opens doors to a variety of career opportunities. Whether you’re drawn to pastoral ministry, youth ministry, writing, non-profit leadership, or beyond, the possibilities are vast.

Here are just a few examples of the diverse paths our alumni have pursued after completing their studies:

  • Teacher
  • Pastor
  • Chaplain
  • Counselor
  • Missionary
  • Non-profit Manager
  • Youth Minister
  • Worship Leader
  • Writer
Picture Of Person Singing

Leadership & Ministry Faculty

Our dedicated faculty members are the heart of our Leadership & Ministry program, embodying qualities of care, mentorship, and a steadfast commitment to Christ-centered education. Each member brings a wealth of professional expertise, ensuring that our students receive top-notch instruction grounded in real-world experience.

A group of students reading and discussing the Bible
Benefits of Our Online Programs

Students in the Online Bachelor’s degree programs:

  • Attend classes on a flexible schedule that allows for work and family responsibilities
  • Expand career and ministry opportunities with a degree that opens doors
  • Obtain an affordable, high-quality education
  • Gain collaboration skills through working with classmates and professors
  • Achieve an educational goal
Course Descriptions

Leadership & Ministry Courses

The Leadership & Ministry major at Grace Christian University is focused on intertwining spiritual and academic growth. The program aims to develop passionate servants of Jesus that emphasize the integration of character transformation, ministry experience, and biblical truth.

The Bachelor of Science in Leadership & Ministry (120 credit hours) is comprised of:

  • Arts and Sciences Core (30 credits)
  • Bible and Theology Core (30 credits)*
  • Major (42 credits)
  • Undesignated electives/Minor (18 credits total)
  • Total required for degree (120 credits)

*18 credits for Degree Completion Transfer Students

Graduate of Grace Christian University in Cap and Gown at commencement
Leadership & Ministry Major
Arts & Sciences Core
Bible & Theology Core
Elective Track Options

Leadership & Ministry Major

Graduates of our Leadership and Ministry program will build a philosophy of ministry from a scriptural perspective, as well as practice the principles and strategies of Christian ministry. Students will grow in their knowledge of the Bible and essential Christian doctrine, and gain skills to understand, articulate, and teach the faith effectively.

Introduction to Leadership

LEA 171

A study of the principles of effective leadership and administration for ministries within the local church. It integrates biblical principles for church leadership with principles of current organizational theory and practice.


Credit Hours


Introduction to Dispensational Theology

THE 254

Provides an overview of the basic tenets of Dispensational Theology. Included is a study of foundational passages in the Bible, a review of the historical development, as well as how a dispensational perspective shapes the study of Scripture. Special consideration will be given to the mid–Acts dispensational views of Grace Christian University.


Credit Hours

Discipling and Mentoring in the Christian Faith

MIN 261

Studies discipleship and mentoring practices, with a focus on effective discipleship models from the life of Christ. Those principles will be applied into an effective design for 21st Century disciple–making, with special attention given to the foundations of Christian discipleship and mentoring.


Credit Hours

Teaching the Christian Faith

MIN 263

Equips Christian leaders with an understanding of the principles and practices of teaching the Word of God. The course will include biblical perspectives on teaching, as well as practical methods for teaching effectively. The focus will be on teaching the Christian faith, yet learned skills will apply to other fields as well.


Credit Hours

Leadership and Group Communication

COM 350

An introduction to the principles of small group communication, Leadership and Group Communication provides a foundation for understanding teams and groups. Activities will allow students to experience the challenge of learning how to improve their group communication skills through participation. Exploring biblical characteristics of leadership and teamwork will provide students with a framework for communicating and effectively leading in a diverse world.


Credit Hours

Counseling and Coaching Seminar


An integrated approach to counseling and coaching techniques in a variety of contexts. Provides an overview of basic skills, and develops a model for integration of skills with a faith-based approach to helping others. Students will practice skills and techniques within and outside of the classroom context.


Credit Hours

Life of Christ

BIB 342

Students will explore context, life examples, teachings, and theology inherent in the life of Christ in order to develop a personal theology of ministry.


Credit Hours

Mobilization of Volunteers

LEA 472

Articulates the value of volunteers and their relationship within an organization. Topics include: types of recruitment methods, importance of background checks, communicating organizational mission statements, goals and values, training, retention, volunteer tasks and expectations, motivation, reward systems and performance improvement for both volunteers and staff.


Credit Hours

Marketplace Ministry

MIN 362

An overview of the foundational tenets of biblical Christianity in the marketplace of life: home, work, school, and in the public arena. Attention will be given to the lifestyle and witness of the believer, including relationship building, lifestyle evangelism, spiritual conversation with people who are not Christian, and the biblical elements of conversion.


Credit Hours

Studies in Dispensationalism

THE 452

Emphasizes the essential elements of Dispensational theology, as well as a survey of dispensational problems, the literature of modern and contemporary Dispensational theology, and its historical roots. Topics include the significance of Dispensational theology in developing a biblical worldview and practice.


Credit Hours

Marriage and Family

SOC 356

Analysis of the family as an American institution including an emphasis on those factors of courtship which influence an integrative relationship of marriage and family.


Credit Hours

Biblical Perspectives on Wealth and Poverty

THE 348

Explores the biblical foundation for understanding wealth and poverty in the modern world. These issues impact ministry at a local level and beyond, including the support of international missions efforts. In addition, students will examine appropriate responses for Christians and churches as they seek to care for the “least, the last, and the lost.”


Credit Hours


CAP 498

Program Capstone


Credit Hours

Arts & Sciences Core

Our Arts and Sciences Core curriculum is designed to cultivate holistic learning outcomes of human understanding, self understanding, and relational understanding. Through a diverse array of courses and interdisciplinary exploration, students delve into a variety of subjects, fostering a deeper appreciation for the world around them while honing essential skills for personal and professional growth.

Introduction to Online Studies

GEN 111

Focuses on the foundational knowledge, basic software skills, and motivation required to succeed 1n the digital classroom and as a follower of Christ. Through various educational experiences, students will learn about self and others, and how the Body of Christ works together to impact the world for His glory. Students will gain an understanding of university systems, vision, and mission. This course will begin preparing students to make an eternal impact wherever they go while on a successful fulfilling path to graduation.


Credit Hours

Introduction to College Writing

ENG 105

Writing is an important skill for academic, ministry, and vocational success. This course focuses on developing writing skills, providing students opportunities to break down the writing process. Students will learn how to create strong thesis statements to drive an academic paper. They will learn how to craft introductory and concluding paragraphs, build the body of a paper, consider their audience, and improve writing skills to communicate more effectively. They will develop basic skills in APA formatting and citations. Students will also work on refreshing grammar skills. Must be completed with a grade of C- or higher.


Credit Hours

Life Communication

COM 140

Life Communication prompts students to identify their passion and excitement to use the gift of speech for good. By working through the process of topic selection, research, and speech organization, students will build confidence in serving others with their communication. In Life Communication, students will be encouraged to know their story, challenged to live their story, and empowered to tell their story.


Credit Hours

Professional Communication

COM 290

Explores the fundamental concepts, principles, and skills needed for effective communication in a global world. Emphasis will be given to communication concepts, skillful writing, professional interviewing, organized informational presentations, and cultural intelligence in the workplace. Prerequisite: ENG 101, COM 140


Credit Hours

College Writing and Research

ENG 300

Students will learn the importance of using credible sources and building strong arguments. Students will develop thesis statements, introductions and conclusions, consider audience and purpose, and integrate credible and scholarly sources using APA formatting. They will develop writing skills to help in academic courses, business pursuits, ministry, as well as other career positions.


Credit Hours

World Civilizations

HST 231

Provides students with skills in historical research and analysis, a chronological understanding and factual knowledge spanning from the dawn of civilization to 1700. Emphasis is placed on the origins and achievements of the core civilizations of Asia, Africa, America, and Greco– Roman civilizations. In addition, Christian, Islamic and Byzantine cultures will be studied. The ultimate focus will be to provide students with a historical, factual, cultural, and geographical knowledge of ancient history and its relationship to the Bible. Upon completion, students should be able to analyze significant political, socioeconomic, and cultural developments up to the early modern world civilizations within the interrelations of societies and cultures.


Credit Hours

Philosophy and Worldview

PHL 133

Addresses the fact that our culture is confronted with a vast assortment of differing philosophies and worldviews; each claiming to be true. Focus is provided to understand and evaluate these various belief systems in an increasingly pluralistic society. Main ideas of eight different worldviews will be explored while the student develops and expresses a personal worldview. Topics will center around the nature of God, reality, nature of man, death, truth, morality, and the meaning of life. The primary purpose of this course is to challenge students to examine the timeless truths of Christianity.


Credit Hours

Introduction to Cultural Diversity

SOC 243

An exploration of cultural diversity and multiculturalism from a Christian faith perspective. This course provides a process to understand and practice cultural diversity competence. It is designed to initiate and provide ongoing preparation for effective interaction with everyone in our culturally diverse world. Growth in these skills equips individuals with the social graces needed to form bonds of mutual trust that will bridge the differences that ordinarily divides people.


Credit Hours

Environmental Science

SCI 220

Provides a general understanding of environmental science, while exploring the natural world and the resources it provides. The study of environmental science is approached with an understanding of the responsibilities of human beings to practice wise stewardship of God’s creation. Topics include, but are not limited to, exploration of environmental issues, the relations between living and nonliving things, human responsibility for the environment and the earth’s resources now and in the future.


Credit Hours

Arts and Sciences Electives

Choose an Arts and Sciences Elective. See the Online Undergraduate Academic Catalog for details.


Credit Hours

Bible & Theology Core

Our Bible and Theology Core curriculum is designed to provide students with opportunities for spiritual growth, ministry, and biblical literacy. Delve into learning to analyze biblical texts, engaging in service, and practicing spiritual disciplines.

Old Testament Survey

BIB 141

A survey of Old Testament literature in its historical setting. Attention is given to outstanding persons, events, and theological emphases.


Credit Hours

New Testament Survey

BIB 143

A survey of New Testament literature including a study of its historical settings, literary type, and main theological themes. Attention will also be given to outstanding persons, events, and major teachings.


Credit Hours

Introduction to Dispensational Theology

THE 254

Provides an overview of the basic tenets of Dispensational Theology. Included is a study of foundational passages in the Bible, a review of the historical development, as well as how a dispensational perspective shapes the study of Scripture. Special consideration will be given to the mid–Acts dispensational views of Grace Christian University.


Credit Hours

Christian Theology I

THE 256

A survey of foundational doctrines of systematic theology including Bibliology, Theology Proper (God), Christology (Christ) and Pneumatology (Holy Spirit). It will include an overview of the midActs dispensational perspective of theology held by the institution. The course also encourages the practical integration of these doctrines in the life and service of the Christian.


Credit Hours

Letters of Paul

BIB 442

Examines the background and ministry of Paul, as well as the origin and purpose of each of the Pauline epistles in the context of the development of his ministry. The study will include an analysis and synthesis of major Pauline themes, including the Pauline concept of the church and its mission.


Credit Hours

Organizational Leadership


Provides an understanding of the topic of leadership in four contexts: intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships, organizational structure, processes, and culture within organizations. Includes study of organizational leadership from a theoretical, practical and biblical point of view.


Credit Hours

Spiritual Formation

MIN 370

Emphasizes the practical outworking of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer. Special consideration will be given to how the Holy Spirit equips God’s people for service, a development of a plan for lifelong spiritual growth, and appreciation for and practice of the historic spiritual disciplines.


Credit Hours

Knowing God

THE 454

Provides an in–depth study of Theology Proper, the study of God the Father. Included with this will be understanding the Trinity doctrine, with an emphasis on biblical, historical and theological dimensions of knowing God as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


Credit Hours

Christian Ethics

THE 332

Lays the foundation for a Christian response to ethical issues arising in 21st Century Western culture. Attention is given to the biblical foundation of Christian personal and social ethics, the history of ethics, ethical decision–making, and personal character development. Application of these topics will be made to a range of contemporary issues.


Credit Hours

Christian Theology II

THE 453

An in–depth study of the doctrines of systematic theology, including Anthropology (Man), Hamartiology (Sin), Soteriology (Salvation and the Atonement), Angelology (Angels), Ecclesiology (Church) and Eschatology (End Times). These doctrines will be considered from the mid–Acts dispensational view of theology held by Grace Christian University. The course also encourages the practical integration of these doctrines in the life and service of the Christian.


Credit Hours

Online Elective Track Options

An elective track is a group of four courses grouped together based on a single topic. Students may select a single elective track or select four individual electives. The strategic choice of electives allows the student to tailor a selected degree to their personal or career pursuits or to explore topics of interest.

Picture Of Students

What Our Students Are Saying

We believe education is more than just academics. Check out firsthand accounts from students like you who have been impacted by our vibrant community, transformative education, and unwavering commitment to faith.

Deanna W
Grace's class materials make me dig deep into my assignments and search the Scriptures, which makes me grow in my faith by studying the Scriptures.
Deanna W
Leadership & Ministry, Online
Nancie W
It's never too late to pursue education, and the journey here at Grace has brought newfound purpose and endless opportunities for growth. The professors are encouraging, accommodating, kind, and helpful. Returning to college later in life turned out to be one of the most fulfilling decisions in my life.
Nancie W
Leadership & Ministry, Online
It's never too late to pursue education, and the journey here at Grace has brought newfound purpose and endless opportunities for growth. The professors are encouraging, accommodating, kind, and helpful. Returning to college later in life turned out to be one of the most fulfilling decisions in my life.
Nancie W
Nancie W
Leadership & Ministry, Online
Shamea E
Going back to school after ten years, I was extremely nervous and a little overwhelmed because all my classes are online. However, the faculty at Grace are extremely helpful and supportive in making sure Students can navigate successfully through their first semester. I can honestly say I have grown spiritually and emotionally. My desire is to please God and continue to share the gospel of Jesus.
Shamea E
Leadership & Ministry, Online
Going back to school after ten years, I was extremely nervous and a little overwhelmed because all my classes are online. However, the faculty at Grace are extremely helpful and supportive in making sure Students can navigate successfully through their first semester. I can honestly say I have grown spiritually and emotionally. My desire is to please God and continue to share the gospel of Jesus.
Shamea E
Shamea E
Leadership & Ministry, Online
Nancy L
I have grown spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and personally via the curriculum, mentoring, and contemplation throughout my journey at Grace Christian University. I have a better grasp of my principles, values, and leadership style and am much better equipped to serve as a leader and mentor to others.
Nancy L
Leadership & Ministry, Online
I have grown spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and personally via the curriculum, mentoring, and contemplation throughout my journey at Grace Christian University. I have a better grasp of my principles, values, and leadership style and am much better equipped to serve as a leader and mentor to others.
Nancy L
Nancy L
Leadership & Ministry, Online
Katrina C
The professors here at Grace are so kind, easygoing, easy to reach, very accommodating, and so helpful. Every course I took was necessary in order to advance me in my ministry. I had no idea that God would call me to be a senior pastor of His church. Today, my understanding of the Scripture is elevated, and I am equipped to lead and teach His people.
Katrina C
Leadership & Ministry, Online
The professors here at Grace are so kind, easygoing, easy to reach, very accommodating, and so helpful. Every course I took was necessary in order to advance me in my ministry. I had no idea that God would call me to be a senior pastor of His church. Today, my understanding of the Scripture is elevated, and I am equipped to lead and teach His people.
Katrina C
Katrina C
Leadership & Ministry, Online
Deanna W
Grace's class materials make me dig deep into my assignments and search the Scriptures, which makes me grow in my faith by studying the Scriptures.
Deanna W
Leadership & Ministry, Online
Grace's class materials make me dig deep into my assignments and search the Scriptures, which makes me grow in my faith by studying the Scriptures.
Deanna W
Deanna W
Leadership & Ministry, Online
Nancie W
It's never too late to pursue education, and the journey here at Grace has brought newfound purpose and endless opportunities for growth. The professors are encouraging, accommodating, kind, and helpful. Returning to college later in life turned out to be one of the most fulfilling decisions in my life.
Nancie W
Leadership & Ministry, Online

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the Bachelor's Program for?

Anyone who has a high school diploma or equivalent and is seeking a quality Christian education. We offer tuition discounts for military personnel and payment plans for cash paying students. We also accept Federal Financial Aid.

What is the Grace Christian University Difference?

Academic Rigor

The program will teach and develop graduate-level research, writing, critical thinking, leadership and communication skills. Beginning with the Program Seminar, the program is designed to acclimate students to graduate-level work and prepare them for the kind of reading, writing, and thinking skills they will need for the remainder of the program.


The application of constructivist learning theory puts the responsibility of learning in the hands of the students. Whenever possible, students will be allowed to choose what they will learn, how they will learn, and how they will assess their learning in terms of their ministry and professional goals.

Best Practices

As a fully online program, Graduate Studies at Grace Christian University adheres to the best practices of online education, including, but not limited to: online presence, creating a supportive online community, a variety of individual, small group, and large group learning experiences, and clear communication in the online environment.

What Can I Expect from the Professors of this Program?

Your professors have first hand knowledge working in their areas of instruction, along with advanced degrees and higher education experience. They are eager not just to instruct, but to guide you on your faith journey and pray for you throughout your time here. Their desire is to help you succeed and equip you for where God has called you.

What are the Benefits of the Program?

Students in the Online Bachelor's programs will be able to:

  • Attend classes on a flexible schedule that allows for work and family responsibilities

  • Expand career and ministry opportunities with a degree that opens doors

  • Obtain an affordable, high-quality education

  • Gain collaboration skills through working with classmates and professors

  • Achieve an educational goal

What Flexibility Does the Bachelor’s Program Offer?

Students can work on one course at a time, at a time of day and week that is convenient for them.

Why Should I Study Online at Grace?

Advance your career from the comfort of your own home.

Our online master’s degrees are designed for busy professionals who desire to advance their careers. Through our flexible classes, our professors will encourage and mentor you as you expand your current pursuits.

Experience a caring community.

Connect with professors and students who will come alongside you as you pursue higher education and growth in Christ. At Grace, we’re passionate about equipping and supporting you to serve the Lord and others in all that God has called you to do.

Strengthen your biblical foundation.

At Grace Christian University, the Word of God is taught, valued, and celebrated. Deepen your knowledge of God’s Word as you receive an education grounded in objective Biblical truth.

The Grace Experience.

As closely as possible, the Graduate Studies program will reproduce the experience of undergraduate students (On Campus and Online) in an authentic Grace Christian University experience, expressing the ethos, core values, and historic mission of the University. This includes the University’s commitment to being a Bible-centered institution, committed to our historic Grace theological position, which values transformative relationships and service to church and society.

What Sets Our Bachelor's Programs Apart?

Our Enrollment Advisors are there for you.
One-on-one coaching through the admissions process and the first class with your assigned Enrollment Advisor. Your advisor will want to know:

  • Your passion
  • Your path and goals
  • Life circumstances that could help or hinder your success
  • How can they pray for and with you

Your advisor will take this information seriously and provide tailored care as you get started with your degree.

We Prioritize You
Your goals and giftings are prioritized so they drive your success; this is opposed to a one-size fits all mentality & communication.

We take care of all class registration and your personalized education plan is created when you begin your program, so you are able to see all courses required until your graduate date.

One Class at a Time
No required log-in time (you log in throughout the week when it works best for your schedule!)

Students finish their online degrees in the same period as if they were attending an on-campus program.

Our Professors Care
Staff and faculty care about each student's eternal impact, which influences the care and resources we provide. Professors care and are easily accessible.

Low professor-to-student ratio:

  • Online Undergraduate - 9.3 students per course section
  • Online Graduate - 7 students per course section

The Bible is Central
All classes are taught from a biblical foundation, regardless of subject, with weekly devotions.

Low Cost Quality Education
Low tuition for a private Christian education.

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Your Calling to the World Awaits

Join the Grace community and embark on a transformative journey of faith, learning, and personal growth as you pursue your calling in the ministry field.

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