
Mar 30, 2016 | President's Blog

19483555_mI met a very nice man dressed in a sharp suit in the Administration Building yesterday.  After learning his name I asked him what brought him to Grace.  He told me he was an “ambassador.” Before he could add that he was an ambassador of the Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce, I replied with great enthusiasm, “So am I!”

He explained his visit on behalf of businesses.  Then, he heard from me that according to II Corinthians 5:20, I am an “ambassador of Jesus Christ.”  I remember the late Finley Hunter, (who was a tremendous soul winner) declaring this to someone who had just shaken hands with the State Governor; “You shook hands with the Governor, now shake hands with an Ambassador!”

Our students serve the Lord Jesus Christ in a tremendous variety of venues around West Michigan on a weekly basis.  When they leave campus and go into the local schools to mentor, tutor, or serve in any way in churches or service organizations they are ambassadors of our college and for the Lord Jesus Christ.  Today, people are overloaded with information and persuasive arguments to believe and act in different ways, but nothing is as persuasive as an authentic, living, breathing ambassador of Christ who lives out their faith and willingly speaks on behalf of their Savior.  Paul told the Corinthians,

“You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts” (II Corinthians 3:2, 3).

Pray for our ambassadors to speak boldly on behalf of Jesus Christ and to be a “letter” which will influence others for salvation and hope in a very hopeless world.  Your partnership with Grace Christian University through prayer and financial support also makes you an ambassador of Christ together with us in our mission to impact society with the Truth of the Gospel.

In the first quarter of this year we have seen our income fall off significantly. Please pray and partner with us as the Lord provides.

Please pray for:

  • Students as they finish their last month of classes before graduation on April 29th.
  • 120+ Graduates seeking where they can serve the Lord after graduation.
  • Faculty and staff serving the Lord faithfully
  • Our Board Chairman Rick Velting and his wife Terri and family after surgery to remove a brain tumor in January.
  • The Board of Directors as they gather in April and new members are prayerfully added.

His Ambassador,
Ken B. Kemper

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