An Embarrassment of Riches

Oct 24, 2017 | President's Blog

sherea-with-a-studentI believe I am a grateful person.  I often stop to thank individuals, and I also thank the Lord who has blessed me in ways I do not deserve.  You are probably much the same.

“An Embarrassment of Riches.”  Have you ever heard or used this phrase?  Maybe you have used it when you see someone with too many possessions?  More “stuff” than they can possibly house?

Have you ever thought about it in relationship to your friends and spiritual blessings in ministry?  I have recently been overwhelmed – not with an overabundance of physical resources, rather, overwhelmed by God’s supply of people who serve together with me at Grace Christian University to labor for His glory!

Our faculty serves our students with love.  Our staff serves others with dedication.  Our administration leads by giving tremendous hours and effort. Our Board of Directors is a group of people who voluntarily give of themselves to make the College successful.  In addition to these, there are the friends, alumni, and donors of the College who faithfully partner in ministry so there are funds to do ministry.  I enjoy this so much that I believe it is a normal occurrence until I speak with people at other colleges and universities.

Our Provost and Academic leader Kim Pilieci and I recently visited another longstanding institution to encourage them and to offer help after we heard they were in the midst of some difficulties.  What we found was extremely disheartening and painful.  They also have good people who are working hard, but they are not seeing good results.  They are not pulling together with the same sacrifice and resolve that we have been blessed with here at Grace Christian University.  It made both of us extremely grateful and thankful for how God has blessed us at Grace Christian University!

It is almost “an embarrassment of riches,” only the “riches” are blessings from God:  the very talented and dedicated team which God has allowed me to serve with at Grace Christian University for God’s glory and renown.

Please pause a moment to thank God for the many areas of talent God has blessed us with here at Grace — faculty, staff, administrators, Board, alumni, and financial partners — so that our students (another blessing!) are being served with Christ-like actions.   Your prayers and your support of this work are also an incredible blessing to all of us!

Grace upon Grace,

Ken B. Kemper


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