Undecided How To Explore Majors at Grace Christian University.

Undecided? How To Explore Majors at Grace Christian University

Undecided about what to major in?  Choosing a major is one of the most important decisions you'll make in your academic journey. At Grace Christian University, we understand that this decision can be daunting. You might have multiple interests, or perhaps you're...

Life Happens. Catch Up!

Life Happens: Catch Up!

Life happens. We all encounter moments when our plans get derailed. Perhaps life got in the way of you earning a college degree. Maybe it was due to a lack of funds, family responsibilities, relationships, or friendships. Sometimes, you just need some time off....

Annual Whitecaps Game

Annual Whitecaps Game

Grace Christian University recently hosted its annual night at the West Michigan Whitecaps game at LMCU Ballpark. The event brought together friends, alumni, and supporters, creating an evening filled with excitement and fellowship. Setting the Stage As the sun set...

The 8 Best ice Cream Shops In Grand Rapids Michigan

The 8 Best Ice Cream Shops in Grand Rapids, Michigan

If you love ice cream as much as we do, then you may already have a favorite spot to hit up for frozen sweet treats. Our list of the 8  best ice cream places in Grand Rapids may inspire you to try out a new place – or even do an ice cream tour of the region. But...

National Higher Education Day

National Higher Education Day

National Higher Education Day, observed annually on June 6th, acknowledges the importance of higher education in our society. This day celebrates the transformative power of education and reminds us of the opportunities it creates. From opening doors to better...

Do I need a Bachelor's Degree? Is a Degree Valuable?

Do I Need Bachelor’s Degree? Is a Degree Valuable?

Making the decision to pursue a bachelor's degree is a big commitment. You're investing a significant amount of time, effort, and money into your education. So it's natural to wonder - is it really worth it? Will a bachelor's degree actually propel my career...


Secrets to Staying Organized While Attending College Online

Navigating online college life can be challenging, especially when juggling academics, social activities, and personal responsibilities. At Grace Christian University, we understand the importance of staying organized to succeed. Here are some secrets to staying...

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