Caleb Befus – Alumni Highlight

Mar 25, 2024 | Alumni

Have you ever wondered what a life in ministry might look like? How does Grace prepare students to serve in vocational ministry? And how do the college years impact students spiritually for years to come? In this blog post, alumnus Caleb Befus shares his journey of earning his ministry degrees at Grace. We hope you enjoy these inspiring insights from Caleb!

Caleb Befus – Grace Alumnus

Caleb Befus attended Grace from 2007-2012 to earn his Bachelor’s in Theology. He then came back from 2016-2018 to earn his Master’s in Ministry. Caleb successfully graduated with both a BTh in Pastoral Ministry and Masters in Ministry.

After completing his degree, Caleb shared about how Grace helped to prepare him for life after college. He also appreciated the relationships with professors in which he was able to have a firsthand view of what a life of ministry looks like.

He said, “I knew I wanted to be in ministry. Grace helped me narrow down my focus from potentially youth ministry or missions to pastoral ministry. I was equipped for jumping into ministry. I had great pastoral teachers where alot was caught, even as it was taught.”

A Bible-Centered Focus

Caleb shared that a big part of his draw to Grace was, “The Christ-centered Bible focus.” He went on to say, “The size was a draw. I could have a real relationship with my professors and continue to do so! There were familiar connections being a third generation Grace student. I had been on campus before – dropping off older sisters, visiting the Grace Gospel Fellowship and Grace Ministries International offices.”

As a third generation Grace student, Caleb was able to experience the many benefits of being an integrative part of the “Grace family” – something that we hear from many, many students – even first generation Grace students.

Life on Campus

For Caleb Befus, the pastoral encouragement and Bible-centered focus weren’t the only highlights from his time as a student. Caleb also enjoyed many extracurricular activities, sports, and social events with other students and staff.

During his years at Grace, Caleb played soccer, supported basketball and volleyball games (home and local), was involved in small groups and Encounter worship nights, was on the preaching travel team, made it to just about every dorm outing/event, and was a Resident Assistant.

The Spiritual Impact at Grace Christian University

We asked Caleb how Grace impacted him spiritually, and here is what he shared, “[Grace] gave me tools to deepen my understanding of the Bible and encouraged me to grow my walk with Christ. From the classroom to the worship/teaching chapels to small groups, there was a true focus on knowing God and serving Him in love.”

“I had a great foundation from my upbringing/parents’ influence (3 generations of gospel transformation), and Grace built upon that foundation of Christ to equip me to serve in the local church.”

The School of Bible and Ministry

What does a Bible degree from Grace look like? Grace School of Bible and Ministry is designed to equip students to feel confident and prepared for a career in ministry. 

At Grace, ministry students can choose between a bachelor’s in Biblical Studies, a Bachelor of Science in Leadership and Ministry, or a Master of Arts in Ministry. Learn more about these degrees on our website, or request more info!

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