Undergrad FAQ Background Image


The questions are different, but the answer to each one of these questions is the same. What will guard us against foolish extremes? What characterizes those who are habitually successful in sports or sales or some skill? What single quality in a business builds...

Sing His Praises!

So many times verses are quoted to describe the reason we cannot understand what God is doing and to validate the saying that “God works in strange and mysterious ways.”  While this may be entirely true, that when our educated minds are held up to the Infinite,...

Career Services Student Alumni Background Image

Look What I’ve Done!

“Hey, come and take a look at what I have done!” This is a phrase all of us men have said to our wives at one time or another to show off our “domestic excellence” when we complete a home repair or project. Why do we do that? Of course, we like to receive...

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As We Approach Resurrection Sunday

I have been reading through a book by Byron Yawn with my future son-in-law, John.  In Byron's book "What Every Man Wishes His Father Had Told Him" (Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2012) pp. 113-114, he reflects upon the CROSS.  I think his comments are...

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God Desires Holiness!

In reading the story of the children of Israel we often see ourselves -- especially when we see them doubt and disobey. We think: “those dummies, why don’t they ever learn?!” Then, we go about our lives and do very much the same as they did! Once such instance in...

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Bearing Our Burdens

In the past few days, I have been made aware of how many of us work hard and run from “good” activity to “necessary” activity but do so while nursing pain in our lives. We have this belief that if we get back to work or crowd our lives with activity it (the pain)...

Picture Of Students

Thoughts From Tozer’s “The Root of the Righteous”

• "Millions of professed believers talk as if He were real and act as if He were not. And always our actual position is to be discovered by the way we act, not by the way we talk. Any belief that does not command the one who holds it is not a real belief; it is a...

Picture Of Steering Wheel

John’s New Car

John decided to buy a new car because the gas mileage on his old one wasn’t very good.  [The new car John bought depreciated three thousand dollars in value the first year, but he saved five hundred dollars that year in gas!]   What John really wanted wasn’t better...

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Grace Singer’s Tour

The Grace Singers are touring Florida and Alabama over their upcoming Spring Break. The schedule is listed here, as well as the church address, pastor's name and a contact phone number for the church. If you are able to join them for a concert, please do so! We...

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Grace Christian University Testimonial

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