I lived and ministered in Africa for many years. In the culture I served, the Bantu people had many oral stories, proverbs, and sayings which guided life. One of those was “the hardest part of the journey is starting.” This statement would be used by leaders and others in various situations when:
- someone didn’t begin to work on a task assigned to them
- work encountered an obstacle from the outset and needed adjustments
- a leader was challenging others to have greater vision to work toward improvement
- someone sat in a chair instead of moving out to get a job done
- a change initiative of any kind involved some type of uncertainty
At Grace Christian University, we are beginning a new academic year. New students have arrived! They have checked in, moved into their housing, and met with financial aid and business office personnel to finalize their financial commitments and payments. This weekend they will be getting to know their classmates and beginning a new chapter in their journey. Every person on campus is working hard to make their start of this journey smooth and painless as possible. Even so, for the families of new students (and even some returning ones) the start is the hardest part. Two weeks from now, students, staff, and faculty will be used to the routine and will carry on making minor adjustments along the way. However, yesterday, today, and tomorrow will be the most dramatic — needing real courage, vigor, and willful new actions.
Please pray for each of the nearly 100 new students as well as the 200 plus returning students as they begin another year of studies at Grace Christian University. Please pray also for the faculty and staff as we serve the Lord and our students, desiring to fulfill our mission of “graduating godly individuals prepared to serve Christ in Church and society!” Thank you for partnering with us in important and tangible ways to make this happen. If you have never prayed for Grace, or given financially to this ministry, remember — “starting is the hardest part.” We need you to be a conduit of God’s grace in the lives of a new generation! Let’s get started!
On the journey together with you,
Ken Bruce Kemper