We All Like to Hear Good News!

Jan 18, 2017 | President's Blog

Here at Grace Christian University, we began a new semester this week with 21 new students who we did not have on campus last semester! It was encouraging to see the excitement of these new students as they came for orientation last week. Our first meals, classes, and chapel kicked off the semester with enthusiasm.

More exciting news! Praise the Lord! He generously supplied through our faithful and generous financial partners so we could hit our matching challenge of $135,000 in November and December! This was due to many, many generous one-time financial gifts by our ministry partners. We praise God for each and every one of you who participated by giving a gift so students who desire to serve Christ can receive a Bible-centered, ministry-focused education. Through Grace, those partners are daily touching the lives of students and those to whom they minister. What a lasting impact and multiplication of our gifts as we give, pray and serve our needy world!

dublin_trip_2017Earlier this month, thirteen students along with two faculty and a staff member ministered in Dublin, Ireland. They were able to touch lives on the streets of Dublin, and learn while serving others in that needy land. These students come back to class all charged up to tell others how God worked through them to impact others. There will be a special chapel scheduled in February for them to share their experience with the rest of the student body.

It is very important for us to stop and celebrate. We need to lift our voices in thanks to God and point out to others what great things He has done! The Psalms are filled with such statements of thanksgiving. We clearly recognize how God has worked through His people, and we pause to give Him glory for His power and kindness toward us.

I trust your heart is encouraged with this good news! But remember, there is no news as uplifting or as important as the Good News: the news of the Son of God becoming man to die as an innocent sacrifice for sinners like you and me (Romans 5:8). This Good News is what gives us life if we place our trust in His finished work, and it removes the penalty of our sins and gives us a grace-filled life in Him (II Corinthians 5:15). Let’s live this out in 2017!

Ken B. Kemper

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