Praying Hands

Aug 23, 2012 | President's Blog, News

“Choose some of our men and go out to fight the Amalekites.”  These words from Moses to Joshua gave instructions of what he was to do in full military aggressive action.  Then Moses said, “Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hands.”  This was a promise of what Moses – the man of God chosen to lead – was going to do as well.  The second part, as we’ll see, was most significant.

Joshua goes into battle and he and his men are winning the battle —as long as Moses (who is up on the mountaintop), keeps his posture aimed towards heaven, imploring God and seeking His favor and strength!  As you might imagine, Moses gets tired of holding up his hands to heaven and wearily puts them down.  The Bible tells us “As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning” (Ex. 17:11).  After this amazing phenomenon occurred before his eyes, Moses recruited some help!  He cried out to God, found a rock to sit on, and eventually two men, Aaron and Hur, helped to hold up his arms on both sides.

Can you picture this scene?  Moses cries out to God for victory, and the two men beside him are listening and alternately crying out in prayer for God to give the victory.  We lose sight of the fact that they weren’t competing in an Olympic game for a medal –they were fighting, wounding, and killing!  There were extreme consequences.  God was teaching them a lesson about dependence and prayer.  God desires our prayers and dependence even when we are “too tired.”  How many times have you heard, “Well, surely God knows my capabilities and He certainly wouldn’t expect….”

This account challenges me to go beyond my personal comfort or aching body’s natural limitations.  God wants me to pray fervently, when I feel like it AND when it is inconvenient.  Can you and I pray for God to work that way in our lives and at Grace Christian University?  I am committed to this year being a year of greater devotion to prayer (and not just talking about prayer, but praying)!  What difference will it make in your family, church, or class if you devote yourself to prayer?


Don’t think about it more–pray about it!  COMMIT yourself to prayer.  SET ASIDE TIME while you are driving, cooking, bathing, waiting, or before going to bed, or after waking up to PRAY—God desires to communicate with us!



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