The End is Near!

Apr 21, 2016 | President's Blog

Like me, you have probably seen someone carrying such a sign or shouting loudly while wearing a sandwich board as they proclaim the message that the world is approaching a very abrupt end…or at least, a much unanticipated interruption.  (But now that I think about it, I have seen those signs for over 40 years now, so the end wasn’t as near as predicted!)

At Grace Christian University the traditional students’ spring semester is almost done, and they are very aware that “the end is near!”  This week, there are numerous projects and papers to be completed prior to final exams next week.  The procrastinators are jumping into high gear as there just aren’t enough days left to “put it off until tomorrow” and still get it done.   Many students will stay up all night hammering out that paper or meeting together to study for final exams just like many of us did when we were in College.  Memories of those times in my life are forever etched in my mind as sleeplessness, too much caffeine, and excessive amounts of sugar wired us toward those antics which are typical of young adults during their years of collegiate education  (some of those “antics” are still spoken of [and exaggerated!]).  This may be due to the fact that some involved in those antics years ago now serve the College in teaching and staff roles as well … and their children may now engage in similar activities.

The professors and staff all work very hard as the last week of chapel services, classes, and preparations for summer ministry and work is on their minds.  Please pray for our students, faculty, and staff at this very important time of year as the semester comes to an end.

Next week Friday (April 29) and Saturday (April 30) are significant days in the life of the College as the Board of Directors meet and deliberate over direction, oversight, and policies of the College.  These men and women give of their precious time and expertise to advance the College and celebrate the victories.  On Friday evening, the annual graduation banquet for our graduates will be a time of celebrating with an evening of fellowship and testimonies.  On Saturday, around 1,000 people will gather at Rush Creek Bible Church and participate in our Seventieth Annual Commencement Exercises.  More than 120 students from our traditional and non-traditional programs will be celebrated and awarded their degrees.  There will be student speakers and many special awards.

The mission of the College “Graduating Godly Individuals Prepared to Serve Christ in Church and Society” will be more on display during this day than at any other time of the year. Please be in prayer for each one of these students as they go forth prepared to serve the Lord.  Pray that God will direct their steps into meaningful places of service. If you are an alumni or friend of the College, thank you for your partnership! Together we are sending forth another class of really tremendous students to influence this world for Jesus Christ.  This is vitally important as we all await the day when the Lord returns to catch up His Church (I Thessalonians 4:16-17) and the end really is near!

Ken B. Kemper

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