The “Last Minute” Anxious Scurry!

Aug 19, 2015 | President's Blog

Isn’t it amazing how the final days prior to a big event like a wedding, or a long-awaited vacation are an absolute whirlwind of activity? That is my best description of how our campus is during these last weeks of summer.  Here is a description of activities so far this August:

  • Our athletic teams (men’s and women’s soccer, cross-country, and women’s volleyball) are practicing daily
  • Several early fall intensive classes began this week — in which a student can finish a class in ten (long) four-hour sessions prior to the beginning of the normal semester
  • The dorms and apartments have opened to house these 50 plus students on campus
  • Chef John and Chef Samantha have the dining room and kitchen open to feed these hungry athletes and students!
  • Check-in for these students occurred earlier this week, and four classrooms are being used daily for classes
  • Faculty are on campus once more, and we have some new faces getting acclimated to the Grace culture as well
  • Our fall faculty/staff meeting had over 70 employees in attendance! We met together to pray and chart the direction for the new year from the leadership team, and show progress toward the vision of an exciting future
  • Nathan Johnson and Kari Davis have their maintenance and housekeeping teams working hard on the buildings and grounds, finalizing all the last minute details

By God’s grace, we begin our 77th year of operation as an institution of higher learning. We are deeply committed to the centrality of God’s Word and the importance of the Scriptures for all of life’s learning. We desire to help our more than 300 traditional students and 500 non-traditional students understand the relevance of God’s revelation to their disciplines of study, as well as to their individual lives, encouraging them to engage the culture around them for good.

God’s Word, understood from a dispensational perspective–which recognizes the intent of the author, the original audience, as well as the purpose of writing in the overall plan of God–brings great understanding of the Scriptures. We teach the high value God has for the Church, the Body of Christ (Ephesians 1-3 and I Corinthians 12), and the important mission of God through the Church as we are vital members of that mission of God to a needy world as God’s plan for today. As we see the dramatic changes in our own country and the world, we realize God’s prophetic plan for the Church and His Kingdom plan for Israel is quickly approaching, and we desire to “make the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:16).

Yes, this “last minute” scurry is how we get ready for the new academic year, but it also how we as believers are to live before a world that has limited opportunity to hear the gospel and respond in faith for salvation. May we all see to it that those around us are prepared for eternity with Christ! We covet your prayers as we begin this new and exciting school year.

Expecting Great Things!
Ken B. Kemper

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