Battling on Our Knees

Battling on Our Knees

I am so tired of trying and trying to get things going only to have another obstacle or difficulty arise!  I give up!  I give in!  I hear the Omnipotent God of all creation responding with a smile in His voice – “Good!  I have wanted this opportunity!” Anyone who has...

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The Perfect Balance!

The Perfect Balance!

“He makes me feel so inferior when I’m around him.”  Have you ever said that to yourself?  There are those extremely talented people who make me feel as though I shouldn’t even open my mouth, say what I think, offer a thought, sing a note, or any of the other many...

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Opinion Polls

Opinion Polls

I want to make a confession about my political interests.  I don’t like opinion polls and the way are constantly bombarded with the “approval ratings” of how the President or Congress is handling the economy, or the war on terrorism, or whatever.  I am not at all...

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He’s Smarter Than We Think

He’s Smarter Than We Think

“Satan is smarter than we give him credit for!” Slogans about the devil are abundant at Christian bookstores and in the youth rooms at our  churches around the country (there is even a supply of bumper stickers aimed at him)  -- such as…  “God good.  Devil bad.” ...

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Ministry Team Visits East Coast

Ministry Team Visits East Coast

2014 MINISTRY TEAM TOUR Under the leadership of Pastor Gary Spykerman – touring the East Coast, Indiana and Illinois.  Please join them if they are near you!   Friday, January 3 7:00 pm – Ada, Ohio Grace Gospel Church 321 N Gilbert Street 419.634.2554   Sunday,...

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Holy Hezekiah!

Holy Hezekiah!

“Hezekiah trusted in the Lord, the God of Israel. There was no one like him among all the kings of Judah, either before him or after him. He held fast to the Lord and did not cease to follow Him; he kept the commands the Lord had given Moses” (II Kings 18:5, 6). What...

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What Must I Do?

What Must I Do?

Willingness and openness to change are two of the most profound attributes to bring about a commitment and the follow-through to see things drastically change. After the doors of the prison were opened and the chains fell off the prisoners, the Philippian jailer asked...

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A Thanksgiving Greeting

A Thanksgiving Greeting

Thanksgiving is such a wonderful time! Each year we set aside a day to give thanks with sincerity -- (in other words, to do what we should all regularly do). We stop the hustle of work and activity, gather with family and friends we hold dear, and spend time together...

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